Remembering Larry Nozaki: ‘Enemy Alien’, Unionist, Socialist
Sadly, Larry Nozaki (1940-2020) died in Surrey BC on December 5, 2020. Larry was a casualty of the anti-Japanese internment camps during the war, long-time union activist in the Canadian … Keep reading »
Will Andrés Arauz Be the Next President of Ecuador?
In Ecuador’s presidential election held on February 7, 2021, Andrés Arauz won the largest number of votes but could not prevail in the first round against 15 other candidates; he … Keep reading »
Powerless in Texas
Capitalist competition and greed lie at the heart of the power outages causing desperation across Texas. Keep reading »
Shock Therapy: Public Funding and the Crisis at Laurentian University
Here we go again. A major crisis. Governments cutting taxes. Bailouts in the billions for banks and corporations. And suddenly public services – including universities like Laurentian – are on … Keep reading »
Living Socialism Today: Remembering Leo Panitch
Standing outside a conference with a group of devotees, a famous political scientist brags that there’s only two people in the world he’s afraid of: his mother and Leo Panitch. … Keep reading »
“Middle Class” As Deflection
Saving the middle class has become fashionable again. With alarming regularity, opinion pieces in the country’s leading newspapers, magazines, and online media call for the reorienting of Canadian state policy … Keep reading »
Navalny and the Protests: Some Clarification
Who is Alexei Navalny? We now hear nothing but good things said about him in the West, and the enthusiasm should probably be tempered. I personally have never been a … Keep reading »
GameStop and Share Markets: Between the Bad and the Ugly, There is No Good
The recent GameStop story coming out of the US pushed arcane financial dealings into a prominence they rarely enjoy. The public was introduced to weird concepts such as “short selling … Keep reading »
Why Amazon Is Fighting So Hard to Stop Warehouse Workers From Unionizing
Workers at one of Amazon’s warehouses are deciding whether or not to join a union. Amazon’s union-busting efforts indicate just how important the vote is. Keep reading »
The Politics and Geopolitics of the Coup in Myanmar
On February 1, 2021, Myanmar’s military – known as the Tatmadaw – invoked Article 417 of the 2008 constitution, dismissed State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi, and arrested her and … Keep reading »
Community Helps to Sustain Portland’s Ongoing BLM Protests
Portlanders have been protesting everyday since May. Community mutual aid ‘blocs’ support BIPOC activists with everything from groceries to haircuts to tattoos. Keep reading »
In Memory of Ernie Tate (1934-2021): A Life of Revolutionary Activism
The socialist movement lost an outstanding educator and organizer with the passing of Ernest (Ernie) Tate in Toronto on 5 February. An outstanding partisan of global anti-imperialist solidarity, Ernie also … Keep reading »