Submit to The Bullet

The Bullet welcomes submissions on topics related to capitalism, culture, social class, creativity, environment, ecology, feminism, gender, imperialism, indigenous struggles, international relations, labour, the media, poverty, public goods, health care, racism, social movements, technology, war and peace. The Bullet is a socialist publishing venue, so please write accordingly! Publishing decisions are made by the editor(s). Submit your pitch or full article to the editor(s) at:

Your submission must: 1) be a .doc or .odt format; 2) adhere to Chicago Manual Style guidelines (author-date preferred); 3) include a title (hook your reader!); 4) include author details (full name, brief biographical statement, and contact information); 5) include between 3 and 6 keywords (for categorizing and tagging); 6) if you include an image or chart, please send highest resolution images as separate attachments (not embedded in document); 7) include a reference list (if necessary); 8) include hyperlinks to online sources and references (if possible).

Unlike corporate news sites, The Bullet is sustained by SP membership dues and donations. We are not beholden to finance capital, owned by a big media corporation, or interested in delivering our readers’ attention to ads. We cannot pay for the pieces we publish, but we do offer our writers editorial guidance, an outlet, and an audience.