Reimagining Socialism: A Conversation
Today I was asked to speak about ‘reimagining socialism’. I would like to do so by rephrasing the topic. It’s not a matter of reimagining socialism, but rather, of reimagining … Keep reading »
Colombia’s Leaders Want to Stain Their Country with the Blood of the Working Class
In the face of a state that assassinates its own people, the Colombian people remain on the streets and continue resisting. Keep reading »
When Women Become Allies to Save Watersheds and Wildlife
The word “Minnesota” derives from one of two Dakota words, either Mni Sóta meaning clear blue water or Mnissota meaning cloudy water. Just one letter can change the entire meaning. … Keep reading »
Green Economy, Green Capitalism? The Case Against The Case for Climate Capitalism
Even now, with a ten-year timeframe left for action, it’s rare for the climate crisis to be treated as the emergency it is. So, credit where due to Tom Rand. … Keep reading »
In Solidarity With the Palestinian Struggle
After a long period of Israel intensification of its military occupation and isolation of the ‘Palestinian Territories’ of the West Bank and Gaza direct conflict and confrontation has again erupted. … Keep reading »
Greenwashing with Bolsonaro: Heineken and Carrefour privatize the Amazon
The history of alliances between big capital and fascism has many different chapters and they continue to be written, but there has rarely been an uglier or more despicable example … Keep reading »
Medical Apartheid: From Israel/Palestine to Canada
Independent Jewish Voice Canada (IJV) has applauded Human Rights Watch and B’Tselem for declaring Israel an apartheid state in its treatment of Palestinians. However, neither organization included medical apartheid in … Keep reading »
The Geopolitics of Vaccine Apartheid
On 22 April, Earth Day, US President Joe Biden convened a summit on the climate crisis with the heads of several important countries. While this was an attempt to bring … Keep reading »
Ending the Afghanistan War? Almost Everything Biden Said Was a Lie
While Americans hailed the announcement that the US would withdraw troops from Afghanistan after nearly two decades of war, President Biden left out the most important details about the war and how it will in fact continue. Keep reading »
Capitalism’s Wet Dream: Amazon’s Patents Signal the Future It Hopes to Achieve
In anticipation of increasing robotization, two poles tend to emerge within discussions about the future of work: at one end, a post-work utopia of fully automated abundance; at the other, … Keep reading »
Restore Democracy in Myanmar: Stop the Brutal Repression of the People!
The Asia Europe People’s Forum (AEPF) expresses solidarity with the people of Myanmar who are bravely resisting the military coup that reversed the fragile democratic process that was unfolding in … Keep reading »
Subjects of the New Corporate University: The Sabotage of Laurentian University
At about 10:28 p.m. on Sunday May 3rd, the other shoe dropped. Insolvency Court Justice Geoffrey B. Morawetz gave Laurentian University’s president what he had wished for: a ruling in … Keep reading »