Resisting Expropriation of the Occupy Movement
The occupy movement is currently being forcefully dismantled by police across North America and Europe. The pretext for these police interventions are health and safety concerns, but the reality is … Keep reading »
Political Crisis in Italy and Greece: Marx on ‘Technical Government’
In recent years Karl Marx has again been featured in the world’s press because of his prescient insights into the cyclical and structural character of capitalist crises. Now there is … Keep reading »
You Can’t Evict a Revolution
At 1 a.m. the New York Police Department (NYPD) began clearing Liberty Plaza of the hundreds of occupiers who camp there every night. People were told to leave with their … Keep reading »
Italy and Greece: Rule by the Bankers
It looks as though, by Monday, both Greece and Italy will be ruled by so-called ‘technocratic’ governments. Even though both Greek prime minister George Papandreou and Italian prime minister Silvio … Keep reading »
The Regressive Politics of the Iranian-Canadian Khavari Petition
On October 12, members of the Iranian-Canadian community sent a petition to Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney expressing concern about the arrival in Canada of Mahmoud Reza Khavari, the … Keep reading »
South Korea’s 300 Day Aerial Sit-in Strike Highlights Plight of Precarious Workers
in Korea and the Philippines November 1 marked the passage of day 300 of the aerial sit-in strike being waged by Kim Jin-suk. The former employee of Hanjin and current Direction … Keep reading »
Corporations Occupy Fair Trade
Over the past few weeks the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement has shone the spotlight on corporate power and social inequality, and calls have begun to emerge from within the … Keep reading »
Organized Labour and the Occupations Movement
The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) phenomenon has achieved a stature and longevity unrivaled by recent demonstrations in the United States, and has understandably struck a chord with a wide range … Keep reading »
Saskatchewan Election 2011: the Looming Debacle
A reporter covering Tory Prime Minister Kim Campbell‘s campaign during the 1993 election likened it to watching a dog die slowly. Campbell replaced Brian Mulroney after his public support collapsed … Keep reading »
Canadian Government Announces Multi-Billion Dollar Warship Building Program
The champagne corks were popping in Halifax and Vancouver on October 19 when the Canadian government announced that two shipyards there have been chosen to build a new, multi-billion dollar … Keep reading »
Greece on the Brink of Emergency: A Matter of Days
In Greece a number of factors stand out, suggesting that Greece is on the verge of some major changes. The disruption of basic operations of the state in conjunction with … Keep reading »
Occupy Actions: From Wall Street to a Campus Near You?
The Occupy Wall Street movement and the mobilizations of the ‘indignant’ in Europe have sparked solidarity actions in many places around the world. October 15, 2011 was a massive day … Keep reading »