Forging a New Movement: NUMSA and the Shift in South Africa’s Politics
The decision of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) to cut ties with the African National Congress (ANC) has received poor analysis. Comment has tended to focus … Keep reading »
Austerity U: Preparing Students for Precarious Lives
Almost everywhere you look around the world, policy-makers are introducing big changes to university systems and pondering deeper transformation. It isn’t surprising that these changes take different forms on campuses … Keep reading »
Ideology and Central Banking in the Crisis: The Canadian Experience
‘Privatizing gains and socializing losses’ could be the motto for the neoliberal era. Alongside this and ‘there is no alternative,’ few slogans better capture the ideology that has been so … Keep reading »
Lineages of Revolt – Capitalism in the Middle East
Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this book and what are its key themes? Adam Hanieh (AH): The book was written over the course of 2011 and 2012 and was … Keep reading »
What Drives Gentrification?
The gentrification of a neighborhood often produces conflicting impressions on residents and non-residents. On the one hand, the area seems safer than in the past, houses are increasingly renovated, and … Keep reading »
Mass Protests Grow as Military Drags Egypt Back to Dictatorship
The military-dominated regime that seized power in Egypt in July 2013 has escalated its attacks on freedom and democracy in the country. A series of pronouncements were issued in late … Keep reading »
Two Transitions in Brazil: Dilemmas of a Neoliberal Democracy
This article reviews the background and the implications of two transitions in Brazil: the political transition from a military regime (1964-85) to democracy (1985-present), and the economic transition from import-substituting … Keep reading »
Crucible of Resistance
Class Struggle Over Ways Out of the Crisis Many commentators make Greece and other peripheral EU members responsible for the sovereign debt crisis. People in these countries would hav lived above … Keep reading »
The Elusive Recovery
The world capitalist crisis which began in 2008 not only persists but is worsening. The second half of the current year [2013] was supposed to be the period when growth in the major advanced countries would gather momentum. The IMF had predicted in spring that activity would “gradually accelerate.” Keep reading »
First Nations Fight Against the Frackers
After facing months of protest led by the Mi’kmaq people of the Elsipogtog Nation in New Brunswick, the frackers of Houston-based Southwestern Energy Co. (SWN) have left the province and … Keep reading »
The Geopolitical Ecology of Empire’s Ally
Jordy Cummings interviews Greg Albo and Jerome Klassen Jordy Cummings (JC): One of the overarching themes of Empire’s Ally in general,and your contribution in particular, is a questioning of the predominant … Keep reading »
Which Way to the Winter Palace, Please?
Transnational Echoes and Blocked Transformations Triggered by the Arab Spring (LuXemburg 1/2011), a series of transnational movements, such as the Indignants and Occupy Wall Street, began gathering pace in 2011 in … Keep reading »