The Machinery of Images and the (Post-)Modern War
On 14 February, 20-year-old Adil Ahmed Dar rammed a vehicle fill of explosives into a bus full of reserve police force personnel in Indian Occupied Kashmir. The attack killed over … Keep reading »
The War on AMLO
The Mexican and international right are united in their efforts to delegitimatize the AMLO presidency. Keep reading »
Opportunities for the Montreal Urban Left
Opportunities exist for an organized urban left one year into the Projet Montréal administration’s mandate. That was the key message of a recent event organized by the Montreal Urban Left, … Keep reading »
An Inevitable Division: The Politics and Consequences of the Labour Split
It’s the changing nature of class and capital that’s caused this split – and should shape the Left’s response to it. But discussing class meaningfully is the last media taboo. Keep reading »
Trudeau and SNC-Lavalin: Of Hosts and Parasites
Every now and again the sophisticated web of myths and fantasies that hides the brutality and ugliness of capitalism is ripped away by sleazy and rapacious actors. 1. Trudeau We are … Keep reading »
Their Internationalism and Ours
Dr. Paul O’Connell puts forward a vision of socialist internationalism that begins with the assertion and restoration of democracy and working-class power at a national level. Keep reading »
The Subways Should Be Free
A new plan to reduce fares for some low-income riders in New York City is a good start but we need to set our sights much higher. Keep reading »
Trump and the World Economy
Leo Panitch interviewed by Martin Thomas of Solidarity. Martin Thomas (MT): I can see four main sorts of possible outcomes to be considered from Trump’s economic jousting. One: it may … Keep reading »
Fordism and Ontario Universities: College “For the People” Who Can Pay
In 2011, The Quebec Liberal government of Jean Charest decided to hike post-secondary school tuition fees by 75 per cent over a five-year period. This move mobilized students across Quebec … Keep reading »
Yellow Vests and Red Unions Strike Together
On Tuesday, February 5, as the government of Emmanuel Macron pushed harsh repressive laws against demonstrators through the National Assembly, the Yellow Vests joined with France’s unions for the first time in a day-long, nation-wide “General Strike.” Keep reading »
Fighting Pipelines, Defending Sovereignty
Over 1000 Professors and Scholars from across Canada and around the world sign Statement of Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en people of British Columbia. #Wetsuwetenstrong #Unistoten Keep reading »
Imperialism and Capitalism: As American as Apple Pie?
In the midst of the U.S. Civil War (1861 – 1865), as somewhere between half a million to three quarters of a million bodies lay dead from bullets and disease, … Keep reading »