Tag: Strike
The Amazon Strike: Performative or Substantive?
The world has radically changed over the past four-plus decades. Unions haven’t. Or at least they haven’t changed nearly enough to match what they’re up against. In this context, unionizing … Keep reading »
Lock-Outs: The newly embedded right to strike turns out to be a retractable privilege
In Westward Ho! Charles Kingsley wrote: “There are more ways to kill a cat than choking it with cream.” What he left unsaid is that, no matter how you do … Keep reading »
Book Launch: The Truth About the ’37 Oshawa GM Strike
Author Tony Leah reveals what actually took place at the Oshawa GM plant in 1937 through the voices and actions of rank-and-file workers and shop-floor activists that have been covered up for decades. Watch video »
Protect The Right To Strike
This video is about union rights and in particular the right to strike. Unions have fought to have this right embedded in the Canadian Charter of Rights. A major teacher’s … Watch video »
Europe’s Hospitals on Strike: Different Countries, Same Labour Struggle
Germany Against Hospital Spending Cuts In recent years, an increasingly broad and well-networked hospital movement in Germany has dispelled the myth that hospital strikes are impossible. This labour struggle was set … Keep reading »
May Day: Workers’ Struggles, International Solidarity, Political Aspirations
For more than 100 years, May Day has symbolized the common struggles of workers around the globe. Why is it largely ignored in North America? The answer lies in part in American labour’s long repression of its own radical past, out of which international May Day was actually born a century ago. Keep reading »
The NDP and the Right to Strike
Ontario Premier Doug Ford recently found himself in hot water for removing the right to strike from educational workers, imposing terms and conditions of employment on them, and using the … Keep reading »
Striketober and the Gig Economy
What does ‘Striketober’ mean for the gig economy? Is something stirring among the workers? There are signs of a noticeable uptick in strikes internationally. In the US, where trade unions … Keep reading »
How Many Strikes Are There in the USA?
The number of strikes in the United States is a question with obvious importance to labor activists, yet there is no readily accessible answer. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) … Keep reading »
Toronto 1919
Play by the Toronto Workers’ Theatre Group in memory of the Toronto General Strike in 1919. Recorded in Toronto, 14 May 2019, part of the Cabaret 1919. Watch video »
General Strike: Cabaret 1919
An exciting cabaret evening of theatre, music and poetry on the centenary of the Winnipeg General Strike (15 May 1919). Recorded in #Toronto, 14 May 2019. Watch video »
Grocery Store Workers Take on a Multinational
At precisely 1:00 Eastern time on the afternoon of April 11th, 31,000 workers at 253 Stop and Shop grocery stores throughout Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts walked off their jobs. … Keep reading »