Category: Economy

  • A New World Order for Living Well

    Evo Morales’ Message of Global Solidarity The Summit of the Group of 77 plus China, marking the alliance’s 50th anniversary, closed in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, on June 15 with the adoption … Keep reading »

  • Alternative Trade

    Conservative British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher famously declared on many occasions that “there is no alternative” to economic liberalism and free trade. This popular slogan, referred to by the acronym … Keep reading »

  • Unmaking Global Capitalism

    Nine Things to Know About Organizing in the Belly of the Beast When Karl Marx famously declared that while the “philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point … Keep reading »

  • Global Austerity and Global Resistance

    Ottawa — 26 April 2014. Moderated by Shellie Bird. Presentation by: David McNally teaches political science at York University, Toronto. His most recent books include Global Slump: The Economics and … Watch video »

  • Austerity, the Hard Right and the French Election: Two Views

    Barely two years after assuming office François Hollande finds himself to be the most unpopular French president in history. This past Sunday his Parti socialiste suffered serious defeats in local … Keep reading »

  • Neoliberalism and the Decline of Democracy

    John Weeks In one of his last books Eric Hobsbawm argued that the conflict between capitalism and communism determined the course of the twentieth century (thus the title, The Age of … Keep reading »

  • The Systemic Crisis of Financialization

    Toronto — 3 March 2014. Phyllis Clarke Memorial Lecture Costas Lapavitsas teaches economics at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He has done research in the political … Watch video »

  • Underestimating Capital, Overestimating Labour

    A Response to Andrew Kliman What caused the 2008 economic crisis? In an article published earlier this year, political economist Sam Gindin explained it “primarily as a financial crisis.” Writing for … Keep reading »

  • The Contradictions of Localism

    Jordy Cummings (JC): Your book is called No Local and it is an immanent critique of inward looking reactions to neoliberal capitalism. One poignant episode you recount surrounds urban agriculture, … Keep reading »

  • Ideology and Central Banking in the Crisis: The Canadian Experience

    ‘Privatizing gains and socializing losses’ could be the motto for the neoliberal era. Alongside this and ‘there is no alternative,’ few slogans better capture the ideology that has been so … Keep reading »

  • Crucible of Resistance

    Class Struggle Over Ways Out of the Crisis Many commentators make Greece and other peripheral EU members responsible for the sovereign debt crisis. People in these countries would hav lived above … Keep reading »

  • The Elusive Recovery

    The world capitalist crisis which began in 2008 not only persists but is worsening. The second half of the current year [2013] was supposed to be the period when growth in the major advanced countries would gather momentum. The IMF had predicted in spring that activity would “gradually accelerate.” Keep reading »