Category: Anti-Racism
Voices Beyond Borders: A Poetic and Musical Tribute to Paul Robeson
An evening of poetry and music to commemorate Paul Robeson’s vibrant, heroic voice raised in artful resistance. A tribute to Robeson’s contribution to workers’ internationalism, and a celebration of Black History Month. Featuring presentations/performances by George Elliot Clarke, Lillian Allen, Evie Shockley, Michael Fraser, Honey Novick, Jim Phelan, and Giovanna Riccio. Watch video »
The Struggle for Water Justice is a Struggle for Gender and Racial Justice
The essay is published in honour of World Water Day, which has been held every year on March 22 since 1993. The goal of this day is to celebrate water … Keep reading »
What’s In a Name-Change?
Shernett Martin says her latest impetus for activism came with the murder of George Floyd, who died last May with the knee of a Minneapolis police officer on his neck. … Keep reading »
Community Helps to Sustain Portland’s Ongoing BLM Protests
Portlanders have been protesting everyday since May. Community mutual aid ‘blocs’ support BIPOC activists with everything from groceries to haircuts to tattoos. Keep reading »
Trudeau: End Hassan Diab’s Ordeal Now!
Forty and some years have elapsed, yet the French authorities have failed to find the real culprit for the 1980 bombing of the synagogue on rue Copernic, Paris. Not only … Keep reading »
Child Emergency: Souls in ICE
Reeling from the US election, I hope that the first order of business is reuniting families and restoring children in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody to their parents. A … Keep reading »
Condemning the Ontario Government’s Adoption of the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism
We, the signing organizations, condemn in the strongest possible terms the Ontario government’s adoption of the misleading International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism. Bill 168, the Combating … Keep reading »
Ontario’s Adoption of IHRA Definition Weakens Our Collective Fight Against Discrimination
On October 25, Doug Ford’s Conservative government, through an order-in-council, adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) “working definition of anti-Semitism.” Not only is this unilateral move in keeping with … Keep reading »
Policing the Poor and Minorities as Counter-Insurgency
The Minneapolis City Council’s attempt to defund police may have fizzled out for the moment, but the problem of police violence across the United States is unresolved – and much … Keep reading »
Book Launch: Canada in the World /w Tyler Shipley
Launch of Canada in the World: Settler Capitalism and the Colonial Imagination (Fernwood Books, 2020), with author Tyler Shipley, as well as Cassandra Kislenko, Sara Jaffri, and Veldon Coburn. Watch video »
Where is the ‘Recovery Fund’ to Save the Lives of Migrants?
While the “recovery fund” marks a qualitative leap in the process of European integration, battles of fundamental importance are being waged in the Mediterranean for the definition of the borders of the Europe that is to be redeveloped. Keep reading »
The Scarlet Standard: Episode 1 – The Christie Pits Riot
In this inaugural episode we discuss the legacy of the Christie Pits Riot of August 1933. As the largest riot in Toronto’s history, this event stands as a watershed moment in Canadian-Jewish history, and should be regarded as a great act of anti-fascist resistance. Today, echoes of this history can be seen in rising tides of fascist violence, the bizarre relationship between Canadian police and Nazism, and the courageous efforts of protesters in the Black Lives Matter Movement. Listen to audio »