Category: Anti-Racism
Ten Days that May Have Changed the World
Sparked by the police murder of George Floyd and fueled by Minneapolis authorities’ reluctance to arrest and charge the murderer’s three police accomplices, mass protests have been sweeping across the … Keep reading »
The Murder of George Floyd Is Normal in an Abnormal Society
There is no need to wonder why George Floyd (age 46) was murdered in broad daylight in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 25, 2020. The script of his death is written … Keep reading »
The Far Right, Racism, and the Universities
Memories of Western, Kenneth Hilborn, and the Politics of Opposition Marx wrote presciently in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (1852) that “The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like … Keep reading »
Palestinians Demand Sanctions on Israel to Stop Illegal Annexation
In a statement launched May 21st, tens of Palestinian civil society organizations, professional associations, unions, human rights and advocacy groups, and networks, representing an overwhelming majority of Palestinian civil society, … Keep reading »
Palestine and the COVID Crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic is confronting governments around the world with an emergency health situation, requiring self-isolation, population lockdowns of many economic activities and households, mass virus testing, screening and hospitalizations, … Keep reading »
Remaking the Politics of Palestine Solidarity in Canada
It is not surprising that after 13 years of New Labour most of the party’s senior officials were now Blairites. What is most striking about their behaviour is how entitled they felt to act against the wishes of a dramatically expanded membership. Keep reading »
Renewing BDS in Canada and the US
Since 2005, when a coalition of Palestinian groups issued the call for an international campaign of boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) against Israel, the North American public has become significantly … Keep reading »
The Viral Emergency in Palestine
Over a dozen states, including Hungary, Ethiopia, Japan, Canada, and Botswana, have recently declared a “state of emergency” giving governments sweeping powers to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Israel did not … Keep reading »
“Between the rock of the occupation, and the hammer of coronavirus”
The Coronavirus and the Conditions of Palestinian Workers “Colonialism is not a thinking machine, nor a body endowed with reasoning faculties. It is violence in its natural state…” — Frantz Fanon, … Keep reading »
COVID-19 in Gaza
The Covid-19 pandemic is confronting governments around the world with an emergency health situation, requiring self-isolation, population lockdowns of many economic activities and households, mass virus testing, screening and hospitalizations, … Keep reading »
Dispatches From Palestine on COVID-19
Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) is releasing a series of dispatches from Palestinians and Palestine solidarity activists reflecting on life in Gaza and the West Bank under the COVID-19 pandemic. As … Keep reading »
Contesting Bill 168
Controversial Antisemitism Bill Passes Second Reading in Ontario Independent Jewish Voices Canada is deeply dismayed and concerned with the Ontario Government’s decision to unanimously approve Bill 168, the Combating Antisemitism Act, … Keep reading »