Militant Hope in the Age of Trump
The United States stands at the endpoint of a long series of attacks on democracy, and the choices faced by the American public today point to the divide between those … Keep reading »
Electoral Reform and Labour
Charles Smith interviewed by The federal Liberal retreat from their big flashy promise of electoral reform has definitely killed the Trudeau honeymoon. Meanwhile, Prince Edward Islanders narrowly voted for electoral … Keep reading »
The Power of Deep Organizing
The profound defeat of the U.S. labour movement over the past three to four decades is usually measured by the loss of things that workers once took for granted like … Keep reading »
Brazil’s Neoliberal U-Turn: Wishful Thinking in the Face of Class Antagonism
Since reaching its zenith in 2010, the Brazilian economy has suffered a remarkable reversal of fortune. Despite official protestations to the contrary, however, Brazil’s afflictions turned out to be of … Keep reading »
The Trump Way
Leo Panitch interviewed by Arun Gupta In the runup to November’s presidential election, commentators from across the political spectrum predicted a round defeat for Donald Trump, not least because of the … Keep reading »
Basic Income: Progressive Dreams Meet Neoliberal Realities
Up until now, the concept of Basic Income (BI) has enjoyed a greater history of being proposed than of being implemented. We may well b approaching a period, however, when … Keep reading »
Debating Syria Productively
The debate over Syria on the Left is toxic. I pulled together 13 points about the situation in Syria I hope can be useful in framing the discussion in a … Keep reading »
Syria and the Antiwar Movement
The enormity, complexity and fall-out of the Syrian war calls for urgent attention. Current events in Aleppo bring to the fore the unreliability of information and dichotomous political positions that … Keep reading »
Sheikh Bedreddin: A Greco-Turkish Communist Internationalist Avant la Lettre
To draw the net from the water together while singing a song in unison, to forge together the iron fine like lace, to be able together to cultivate the land, … Keep reading »
Lessons from Richmond, California
Refinery Town: Big Oil, Big Money, and the Remaking of an American City by Steve Early. Beacon Press, Boston 2016. It seems that we are condemned to live in interesting … Keep reading »
War Culture, Militarism and Racist Violence Under Trump
When history repeats itself with a vengeance, it generally signals a crisis of memory, historical consciousness and civic literacy. The ghosts of the past disappear in a comforting somnolence and … Keep reading »
Paris in Transit: A Few Snapshots
In early December 2016, the Paris region suffered from the most intense bout of small particle pollution in a decade. Anticyclonic weather (cold air under a cover of hotter air … Keep reading »