Category: Environment
People Music: From Mozart to Climate Change
David Yearsley’s fine article “Disaster Music” in April 12 Counterpunch generates thoughts about what can be called People Music. At present, global political and environmental events unfold disastrously. Yearsley writes … Keep reading »
Climate Emergency Manifesto
Climate action is our number one priority in European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL). We do not see it as a stand-alone struggle; it includes struggles for decent jobs, high living standards and gender and racial equality. Keep reading »
Extinction Rebellion: A Cause for Hope for the Planet and Maybe for Revolution
The worldwide protests organized by Extinction Rebellion, have put the issue of the ecological crisis into mainstream political discourse. Non-violent actions have been carried out in more than 30 countries. Keep reading »
Time for the South African Government to Declare a Climate Emergency
On the 22nd of April, regions of Kwa Zulu Natal experienced heavy rainfall resulting in devastating flooding, washing away houses and claiming close to 80 lives. Currently, residents are living … Keep reading »
An Open Letter to Extinction Rebellion
The fight for climate justice is the fight of our lives, and we need to do it right. By grassroots collective Wretched of The Earth. Keep reading »
A Climate Justice Critique of South African Political Parties
What are the commitments of the ANC, DA and EFF to a Deep Just Transition to Sustain Life? South Africa goes to its 6th national elections on May 8th, 2019, with … Keep reading »
Zimbabwe: Cyclone Idai, Sanctions and Capitalism
About a month ago Zimbabwe, Malawi and Mozambique were devastated by a tropical cyclone. Approximately 2.6 million people were affected in the three countries. Keep reading »
The Agro-Food Complex and Climate Change: Veganism or a Green New Deal?
Humanity is standing on the brink of catastrophic climate change. How can we begin to think about the societal transformations necessary while limiting warming to 1.5°C? Keep reading »
The Green New Deal Can Work – Here’s How
18 concrete ways to make the urgently needed climate mobilization #GND a reality by Jeremy Brecher. Keep reading »
Student Strikes for Climate Justice
Since 2018, Swedish students have been striking in front of the Parliament in Stockholm every Friday, prompted initially by high school student Greta Thunberg. #FridaysfortheFuture Keep reading »
Rethinking Approaches to Climate Change
Climate change is the most visible, most threatening expression of a larger, planetary ecological crisis, the result of an economic system (capitalism) with an inherent growth and profit dynamic which ensures that the exploitation of natural resources exceeds the carrying capacity of nature. Keep reading »
An Ecosocialist Green New Deal: Guiding Principles
Humankind has reached a moment of existential crisis. Human activity is causing disastrous climate disruption and Earth’s sixth mass extinction event, triggering critical losses of biodiversity. We are already locked … Keep reading »