Neoliberal Authoritarianism in Egypt
The whiplash of authoritarianism is being ruthlessly used in Egypt. On January 6, 2021, Ahmed Khalifa, social news editor of Egypt 360 website, was arrested after publishing a series of … Keep reading »
Understanding Naval’nyi
To understand Aleksei Naval’nyi’s significance for Russia as a leading figure of the opposition, one needs some idea of the nature of the political regime of President Vladimir Putin. This … Keep reading »
The US is Trying to Provoke a Soft Coup in Cuba
We are in the era of soft coups. Old-fashioned coups d’état and invasions get terrible press. The images of US troops invading the Dominican Republic in 1965 or marching through … Keep reading »
Trump May Be Gone, But Neofascism Remains
At last, the Donald Trump Presidency has crash landed and he is out of the White House. Now, we can all start dealing with ‘Trump trauma’ and shock. What did … Keep reading »
Socialist Activist, Ecologist: The Wayne Roberts We Knew
The tributes that have been made to Wayne Roberts (born 30 September 1944) for his work as a food-policy leader and activist are well known and continue to be made … Keep reading »
01/06/21: The Insurrection that Wasn’t
“Only the chief … can still save bourgeois society. Only theft can still save property; only perjury, religion; bastardy, the family; disorder, order!” Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis … Keep reading »
Unions, Just Transition and the Struggle for Radical Social Transformation
For more than a decade, trade union responses to the unfolding climate and ecological crisis have mainly focused on the idea of “just transition.” This idea has brought much-needed attention … Keep reading »
Trudeau: End Hassan Diab’s Ordeal Now!
Forty and some years have elapsed, yet the French authorities have failed to find the real culprit for the 1980 bombing of the synagogue on rue Copernic, Paris. Not only … Keep reading »
Outrage Is Not a Strong Enough Word
Someday the world will be free of the coronavirus. Then, we will glance backward at these years of misery inflicted by virions with spike proteins that have struck down millions … Keep reading »
After Trump, What Prospects for Biden in the Global Imperial Disorder?
Claudio Katz presciently analyzes shifts in the imperialist order, the mainstay of global capitalism, and weighs what the increasing social and political polarization within the United States portends for the … Keep reading »
South Africa: Vaccine Apartheid or Equality?
We are in the middle of a global shortage of supplies of COVID-19 vaccines. We are reliving the saga that happened early in the pandemic around access to personal protective … Keep reading »
Ontario’s Long-Term Care Sector is in a Grave Humanitarian Crisis
We are a group of physicians, researchers, and advocates who have come together to express our grave concern for the safety and well-being of Ontarians who reside and work in … Keep reading »