The Unwoke are Awake
For many on the British left, now in deep grief as the implications of last Thursday’s general election results sink in, the most abiding memories of the Labour Party’s campaign … Keep reading »
Ontario Teachers Ramp Up the Pressure on the Tories
Ontario teachers are ramping up their fight against the Tories’ 18-month attack on public education. On Tuesday, public elementary teachers stepped up their work-to-rule refusing, for example, to participate in … Keep reading »
Workplace Struggles and Democracy: Challenges for Union Organizing
Jane McAlevey is everywhere these days. Recently appointed a senior fellow at Berkeley’s Labor Center, she is now also a regular columnist for both the Nation and Jacobin. Her webinar … Keep reading »
Iraq’s Communists Given New Life by Protests
Struggling for decades to find its voice, the Iraqi Communist Party is helping shape the battle for the nation’s soul. Keep reading »
Iranian Workers Condemn the Killing and Violent Suppression of Protesters
On November 15, 2019, following a sudden 300% gasoline price hike, protests erupted across Iran, mostly by working-class and underprivileged people. Dissatisfaction among Iranians is at such high levels that … Keep reading »
Green Jobs Oshawa and a Just Transition
One year ago, GM announced the closure of the Oshawa Assembly Plant. Workers in the community faced the crushing reality that their livelihood was being stolen. At a time of … Keep reading »
The Vilification of Jeremy Corbyn
The vilification of the leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, as an antisemite has intensified in the run up to the December 12 election in Britain. What makes … Keep reading »
From Uberization to Enhanced Public Mobility for All
We have shown that the defense, improvement and expansion of public transport is essential if we are to help control and then reduce transport-related emissions. We have also shown how … Keep reading »
Trade Unions and Climate Change
The Need for a Programmatic Shift Climate change is a trade union issue. That is what we increasingly, and rightly, have been told by international trade union leaders over the last … Keep reading »
The Right to Mobility
There’s a long way to go, but Labour’s manifesto could mark the first step in ending Britain’s obsession with the private car. Keep reading »
Bolivia: The Coup and the Right-Wing Assaults
Corvin Russell speaks with Kathryn Ledebur of the Andean Information Network and Bret Gustafson of Washington University in St. Louis about the coup, right wing atrocities, and extreme repression currently happening in Bolivia. Keep reading »
Québec Solidaire Congress: A Few Skirmishes, But Shift Right?
Congress focuses on completing fusion with Option nationale In the fusion agreement with Option nationale (ON) adopted at its previous congress, in December 2017, Québec solidaire committed to aligning its program … Keep reading »