Oppose US and Iran War
The most worrisome aspect of these developments is that they might lead to catastrophic consequences and full-scale war. That would in turn overshadow the wave of uprisings that have broken out in the Middle East and North Africa, from Sudan and Algeria to Iraq, Lebanon and Iran. Keep reading »
Bernie’s Green New Deal Stands Out, and Now Labor Must Step Up
Bernie’s Green New Deal is the real deal. It is very different from the Green New Deal proposals of other leading Democratic presidential hopefuls. First, Bernie’s Green New Deal is … Keep reading »
Canada, Israel and the UN Security Council
Hanna Kawas Canadian activists have compiled a study of Canada’s 2019 voting record at the United Nations on resolutions [see list below] that document and censure Israeli violations of international law. … Keep reading »
Ways Out of the Growth Trap
Trade Unions, Climate Crisis and the “Ecology of Work” As the remarkable success of “Fridays for Future” and “Extinction Rebellion” shows, the climate crisis is pushing onto the agenda ever more … Keep reading »
Holding Pens for the Homeless
Homelessness is spinning out of control in many places, not least right here in Toronto. However, in California, the situation is now generating an acute political crisis. So great is … Keep reading »
COP-Out: The Military and Climate Change/Justice
The world situation is much worse than generally acknowledged. This December, the coinciding meetings of NATO and of the climate change Conference of the Parties (COP25) were barely reported, much … Keep reading »
The People of India Are Taking It to the Streets
Challenging Modi’s Bigoted and Dishonest Government Every day and in every part of India, hundreds of thousands of people – mainly young people – gather on the streets to express their … Keep reading »
The Case for Free Public Transit in Toronto
There are 200 cities around the world with some form of free public transit, and 97 that are completely free. Keep reading »
We Must Overcome Our Atomization to Beat Back Neoliberal Fascism
The recent impeachment hearings in the United States made clear that President Donald Trump abused his office and committed a crime against the Constitution. Not only did he attempt to … Keep reading »
How the Rich Plan to Rule a Burning Planet
The climate crisis isn’t a future we must fight to avoid. It’s an already unfolding reality. It’s the intensification of extreme weather – cyclones, storms and floods, droughts and deadly … Keep reading »
Indian Government Going to War Against Its Own People
On December 13, the United Nations high commissioner for human rights released a powerful statement that criticized India’s new citizenship law. This “fundamentally discriminatory” Citizenship (Amendment) Act of 2019 would expedite citizenship for persecuted … Keep reading »
Caring in Crisis: Ontario’s Long-Term Care PSW Shortage
The Ontario Health Coalition released a new report developed in partnership with Unifor on the Personal Support Worker (PSW) crisis in Ontario’s long-term care homes. In a press conference at … Keep reading »