German Politicians Take Aim at the Euro
German voters are heading to the ballot box on September 22. The re-election of incumbent chancellor Angela Merkel seems certain. The latest polls saw her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party … Keep reading »
SYRIZA: The Great Social and Political Movement of Subversion
Political Resolution, First Congress of SYRIZA 1 The Conference of the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) is a continuity and a breakthrough in its course, which started in 2000, continued … Keep reading »
Mega-Events, Mega-Businesses, Mega-Protests in Brazil
There is no need to argue about the importance of Brazilian struggles and manifestations in recent days. They express an extraordinary willingness to change not only transportation, education and health … Keep reading »
The Presumed Innocence of Capitalism and Lac-Megantic
“If the soul is left in darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who creates the darkness.” — Monseigneur Bienvenu … Keep reading »
The Gezi Park Resistance and Social Class: A Revolt of the ‘Middle Class’?
The following interview is part of the website continuing conversations on the class character, appearances, causes, and probable results of the revolt in Turkey. As well, there are considerations … Keep reading »
Lac-Mégantic: A Social and Ecological Tragedy
Québec has just experienced the most brutal ecological catastrophe of its history. On July 6, 2013, a train loaded with 72 cars carrying crude oil derailed during the night. It … Keep reading »
Spanish State: They Want Us Poor, Silenced and Straight
The governing Popular Party (PP) is on a crusade – not only against fundamental rights such as health, education, housing, work, but also against sexual and reproductive freedoms. The PP … Keep reading »
The War on Public School Teachers
New Unions, New Alliances, New Politics The U.S. working-class was slow to respond to the hard times it faced during and after the Great Recession of 2007-2009. Finally, however, in February, … Keep reading »
“Não Nos Representam!” — A Left Beyond the Workers Party?
Introduction: The Limits of a Good Idea It started as a good idea. Rather than taking the path of the old Latin American left, in the form of the guerrilla movement, … Keep reading »
Why are Canada’s Trains Vulnerable?
Good Old Capitalist Cost-Cutting The fireball in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec, flashed around the world last week as a very hot news item. Thirty-five people are now confirmed to have been killed, with … Keep reading »
The Mass Protests in Brazil in June-July 2013
The mass movements starting in June 2013 were the largest and most significant protests in Brazil in a generation, and they have shaken up the country’s political system. Their explosive … Keep reading »
Whither Brad Wall? Conservative Dilemmas
Arguably Brad Wall, leader of the Saskatchewan Party, has reached the pinnacle of his career as premier of Saskatchewan. In 2011, he made history with the largest popular vote victory … Keep reading »