The Logic of Israeli Violence
One could be forgiven for understanding Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip as butchery for its own sake. That’s a plausible interpretation of the killing of 1,284 Palestinians, at least … Keep reading »
Low Income Transit Passes: Consolidate and Struggle to Make it Free
The passing of a resolution to “develop a Policy Framework for Toronto Transit Fare Equity for consideration by the end of 2015” by Toronto City Council on July 8th, 2014 … Keep reading »
Fatal Advice for the NDP
“As for the once-mighty NDP, with long-in-the-tooth party members dragging the NDP’s almost-dead carcass even further left…, the Saskatchewan NDP may be its own worst enemy right now…” — Murray … Keep reading »
Mobilizing Temporary Migrant Workers
A Compendium of Forms and Preliminary Discussion While labour migration has been a recurring phenomenon in human history, what is new in the post-1970 period of restructuring in the world capitalist … Keep reading »
From Bolivia, a Trade-Union Appeal for International Anti-Capitalist Solidarity
As a follow-up to the June summit meeting of the G77 + China leaders, held in Santa Cruz, the Bolivian government and the Bolivian Workers Central (COB) sponsored an “Anti-Imperialist … Keep reading »
The Outsize (un)Importance of the Tar Sands
It’s easy to overestimate the importance of the tar sands to the Canadian economy. Tar sands and their pipelines are, after all, hailed by the ruling Conservatives, sections of the … Keep reading »
The Working Class and Left Politics: Back on the American Radar
The American political system, so highly polarized between conservative Republicans and moderate Democrats, has experienced in the last year some interesting changes on the left-hand margin of the national political … Keep reading »
Africa And Globalization
Economists continue to celebrate the free movement of goods, services, and capital. However, faced with slowing economic conditions in core countries, it is now third world growth that is highlighted … Keep reading »
Statements of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
Urgent call from Gaza civil society: Act Now! We, Palestinians trapped inside the bloodied and besieged Gaza Strip, call on conscientious people all over the world, to act, protest, and intensify … Keep reading »
Breaking the Canadian University Links with Israeli Institutions
1. Israel must be held accountable for its measures of collective punishment of the Palestinian people. 2. Attacks on Palestinian academic freedom and their right to education are endemic to … Keep reading »
Time for Canada to Honor its UN Obligations Toward Palestine
July 9th, 2014 marked a critical landmark for the Palestinian struggle against Israeli Apartheid as it marks the International Court of Justice (ICJ) opinion on the Apartheid wall in the … Keep reading »
The Commons As a Fount of Hope
The commons is not just a battlefield between corporate predators and those who resist them – it is also a source of hope for those willing to imagine a world … Keep reading »