The “New Turkey”
Permanent State of Emergency and the Dream of Absolute Power After declaring a state of emergency in the country, the decree laws of the government have replaced the law and therefore … Keep reading »
Revolution in a Warming World: Lessons from the Russian to the Syrian Revolutions
It doesn’t take much imagination to associate climate change with revolution. If the planetary order upon which all societies are built starts breaking down, how can they possibly remain stable? Various more or less horrifying scenarios of upheaval have long been extrapolated from soaring temperatures. Keep reading »
Marx’s Theory and Philosophy of Praxis: Between academia and ideology
Hungarian writer and historian György Dalos described his relationship to Marx in a short, reflective piece that appeared in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung on 25 October 2017. In it, he … Keep reading »
The Mirage of Pension-Fund Activism
Pension-fund activism is a dead-end. Organizing and empowering workers is still the only way to revive the labour movement. Review of David Webber’s The Rise of the Working-Class Shareholder: Labor’s Last Best Weapon. Keep reading »
On Consumerism, Capitalism, and Ecosocialism
Sebastian Livingston provides an introduction to an ecosocialist approach to production and consumption and looking at some issues that are problematic in achieving an ecological society. Keep reading »
First Nations Leaders Pledge to Block Pipeline Expansion
At the 2015 Paris COP 21 climate conference Justin Trudeau pledged his newly-elected government would help “to limit global average temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius as well … Keep reading »
Fascistic Politics in India and the Left
India is experiencing something like a national emergency. This is in the form of persistent, nation-wide attacks on the basic democratic rights of ordinary citizens, by hyper-nationalist and communal forces … Keep reading »
Thirty-Five Years of Comintern Publishing: A Balancesheet
In June 1983, after returning home from my shift in a machine shop in Brampton, Ontario, I received a visit from two leaders of the New York-based socialist publisher Pathfinder … Keep reading »
Another Stream of Martin Luther King’s Legacy
The Dodge Ram Trucks’ 2018 Super Bowl ad, harnessing the rousing oratory of Martin Luther King Jr.’s call to service, the “Drum Major Instinct” speech, to loving close-ups of 350-horsepower … Keep reading »
“Before all else a revolutionist”: Marx and the Question of Strategy
The multiple crises of capitalism go hand in hand with the multiple crises of the left. And amidst these crises, we find ourselves commemorating the 200th birthday of Karl Marx … Keep reading »
Argentine Newspapers Recuperated by Workers’ Cooperatives
The formation of workers’ cooperatives to recuperate companies about to close their doors or which have already declared bankruptcy has occurred more frequently in the country, writes Carolina de Assis. Keep reading »
Madrid Repression of the Catalan Movement: Call for International Solidarity
The Spanish state’s repression against Catalonia’s democratic rights gets worse every day. There are at this moment 10 leading politicians and activists in prison, without having been condemned of any crime. Keep reading »