Canada Joins Campaign to Stifle Criticism of Israel
Canada becomes the next major player in the international drive to weaponize false allegations of antisemitism to protect Israel, writes John Clarke. Keep reading »
Oppose Canada-Saudi arms deal
Open Letter to CLC President Hassan Yussuff on labour opposition to Canada-Saudi arms deal #StopSaudiArmsDeal Keep reading »
Paris Police Teargas Peaceful Climate Demonstrators
It was 42° C (108° F) in Montpellier, France, last week, and the French police were still teargassing peaceful demonstrators – whether Yellow Vests in Montpellier or ecologists in Paris … Keep reading »
The Koch Brothers and the Tar-Sands
Big Lies and Ecocide in Canada As we know, big lies can run free across borders with few people joining the dots. For example, no media has been reporting that China’s … Keep reading »
Lessons from the Past: Markets, Plans, Bureaucracy
Wilder Pérez Varona interviews Eric Toussaint on a range of issues dealing with the Russian Revolution, conducted on 8 May 2019 during the International Colloquium dedicated to Leon Trotsky. Keep reading »
Public Banks and a Just and Green Transition
Public banks are resurgent, triggered by the failure of private finance to meaningfully confront the green transformation. But will resurgent public banks act in the public or private interest? How … Keep reading »
Lessons for the Climate Emergency
Rationing, Moratoriums, Ending War “The bad news is that if history teaches us one thing, it is that there never has been an energy transition… The history of energy is not … Keep reading »
What Ever Happened to the Energy Transition?
Anyone trying to understand what’s happening with the world’s energy systems right now can be forgiven if they are confused. On one hand, most people know about the climate emergency, … Keep reading »
Transforming Capitalist Power: From the Streets to the State
The communist playwright Bertolt Brecht once wrote, “The individual can be annihilated/But the Party cannot be annihilated” (1977, 29). And yet, in the neoliberal era, the Party has been annihilated … Keep reading »
What Will it Take to Win a Green New Deal?
Analysis of the struggle for a #GreenNewDeal in Canada #strike4climate #CdnPoli Keep reading »
The US’s Favorite Weapon: Sanctions Are Genocidal
Far from precision-guided munitions, sanctions are weapons of starvation, which target the most vulnerable civilians for slow and painful death by deprivation of food and medicine. Keep reading »
Eternal Builder of Dreams and Hopes: Marta Harnecker (1937 – 2019)
“Well, friends, that’s it for today. You have to live in uncertainty and get ahead no matter what it takes. A hug as always, full of dreams and hopes.” – … Keep reading »