Tag: amazon

  • A Generational Challenge: Taming Amazon, Renewing Labour

    As the Occupy protests of 2011 exhausted themselves, a dramatic turn from protests to politics surfaced. In the US, the energy was channeled into Bernie Sanders’ 2016 campaign for the … Keep reading »

  • Delivery Workers’ Union Takes on Amazon Japan

    Delivery workers in Japan are fed up with Amazon Japan’s practices that make accidents and injuries more likely by increasing delivery volume and speed. They are now organising unions to … Keep reading »

  • Amazon Warehouses: Unsafe for Workers and Communities

    Letter by Bernie Sanders and Ilhan Omar to the Department of Labor about unsafe work conditions at Amazon fulfillment centers. Keep reading »

  • Amazon Is the New Factory

    Warehouse Labour in the Digital Economy – analysis by Alessandro Delfanti @adelfanti Watch video »

  • Praise the Workers, Not Amazon

    “Power concedes nothing without a demand,” abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass declared 161 years ago. Last week saw that truth on broad display as Amazon, facing growing political and organizing pressure, … Keep reading »

  • Amazon Workers Organize

    First-ever Agreement Between Amazon and Unions Halts Inhumane Work Hours in Italy UNI Global Union Amazon employees in Italy have made history. Workers announced on May 23rd the first-ever direct agreement between … Keep reading »

  • Amazon Is a 21st-Century Digital Chain Gang

    When Amazon announced plans to locate a $5-billion, 50,000-employee complex as its second headquarters somewhere in North America, state governments and municipalities fell over themselves offering billions of dollars in tax abatements and corporate subsidies to secure the prize. Keep reading »

  • Workers are the Heart of the Algorithm

    Antonio Casilli, a professor at Télécom ParisTech, is considered one of the leading experts in the capitalism of digital platforms. He was interviewed by Roberto Ciccarelli.

    “We are the ones who make the robots, with our own labour,” he says. “We make the criteria according to which they operate. And then we teach them to learn how to improve. The problem is not that robots are stealing our work, but that we continue to work more and more, and that the platforms are fragmenting and rendering invisible the labour that is necessary to make the algorithms work.“ Keep reading »