Category: USA
Challenges Ahead: The US Left and Labour After Trump
With the results of the presidential and congressional elections in the US, a series of questions have come to the fore for the North American left. How far – or how little – will Biden overturn the policies of Trump? With Nicole Aschoff, Chris Maisano, and Jonathan Rosenblum. Watch video »
If Unions Had Organized the South, Could Trump Have Been Avoided?
At a time when activists and commentators are puzzling over the United States’ enduring conservatism, Michael Goldfield’s new book The Southern Key: Class, Race, and Radicalism in the 1930s and … Keep reading »
2020 US Election Post-Game / Back to Brunch
We chat about the results of the 2020 US Election, diving into discussion about Biden’s depressing win, Trump’s legal fights, several of the ballot measures passed on election night, and the future of the left under a Biden administration. Listen to audio »
Defeating Trumpism, More to Build
The Struggle is Not Over Bernie Sanders Because of your efforts, we have won the most important election in the modern history of our country. As I’ve said many times, this election … Keep reading »
From the Streets to the State and Back Again
Learning From the Sanders Moment The essays gathered in this collection were written in the midst of an escalating and multifaceted crisis situation in the United States. They address the search … Keep reading »
US Election: What Could it Mean for Canada and the Canadian Left?
The US election is about much more than Trump, and it provides some food for thought for Canadian socialists. Keep reading »
The Work Ahead, No Matter Who Wins /w Sam Gindin
Sanjiv Gupta interviews Sam Gindin. They talk about how to transform America whatever the outcome of the US election. They discuss socialist visions, Syriza, racial solidarity in the US, and the need for widespread socialist education. Watch video »
How Can Socialists Help Stop Trump?
Eric Blanc interviews Leo Panitch about the upcoming presidential election in the US. Eric Blanc (EB): I would love to hear your take on the question of whether or not … Keep reading »
Escape from America? We’ll need international solidarity to fight emerging fascism
We’ve now reached the quadrennial moment on our shared Turtle Island when some Americans begin to proclaim, “If so-and-so is elected president, then I’m going to Canada.” In the past, … Keep reading »
Policing the Poor and Minorities as Counter-Insurgency
The Minneapolis City Council’s attempt to defund police may have fizzled out for the moment, but the problem of police violence across the United States is unresolved – and much … Keep reading »
The Threat of Fascism Won’t End with Trump
It will take sustained progressive political pressure now and into the future to dismantle the powerful fascist forces that threaten our democracy. Keep reading »
Strange Bedfellows: Trump’s Political Base
“Earlier in his career the world had watched him with amusement, that people refused to take him seriously, and as one action after another met with amazing success, this amusement … Keep reading »