Category: Public Goods

  • NHS Not For Sale

    What Matters Is What Works

    The State and the National Health Service in Scotland and Wales As expert commentators have amply shown, the Coalition’s plan to privatise the National Health Service (NHS) lacks any basis in … Keep reading »

  • Global Crisis, Fiscal Restraint and Public-Private Partnerships

    Toronto — 10 March 2011. Dr. John Loxley is a professor in the Department of Economics, University of Manitoba. He specializes in International Money and Finance, International Development and Community … Watch video »

  • No Fare is Fair

    A Roundtable with Members of the Greater Toronto Workers’ Assembly Transit Committee The Greater Toronto Workers’ Assembly (GTWA) is a promising new initiative aiming to build a united, non-sectarian, and militant … Keep reading »

  • Public Sector Unions and the Consultations for Austerity

    Nearly six months have gone since the G20 Summit in Toronto when we supposedly entered what some have referred to as “permanent austerity” – the “new normal” of capitalist social … Keep reading »

  • Free Transit and Movement Building

    The demonstrations surrounding the G20 summit in Toronto unfolded more or less as scripted. The state spent obscene amounts of public money to install security cameras in Toronto’s streets, build … Keep reading »

  • Rally to Stop the Closure of 120 Beds

    Toronto — 26 November 2010. Providence Healthcare is a leading Toronto healthcare facility, specializing in rehabilitation for patients who have experienced strokes, orthopedic surgery, or lower limb amputation, or who … Watch video »

  • Drivers and Riders Unite!

    Fare hikes, layoffs, and service cuts decimate public transit In 2008, when gas prices spiked, so did transit ridership, reaching 10.7 billion trips in the United States. Hard times make this … Keep reading »

  • NO Fare IS Fair

    Toronto — 2 October 2010. Start of the campaign to win free and accessible transit for the GTA. A project of the Greater Toronto Workers’ Assembly. Also, view the “The … Watch video »

  • Book Launch: Power in Coalition

    Toronto, September 7, 2010. Moderated by Steve Watson, CAW staff. Part 1: Amanda Tattersall – is an Australian researcher, union and community organizer and the founder of the Sydney Alliance, … Watch video »

  • Free and Accessible TTC!

    Toronto, July 16, 2010. Part 1: Deb Cowen – University of Toronto Department of Geography. Karen Sun – former Executive Director of Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter and current … Watch video »

  • Starving Healthcare

    Toronto, June 19, 2010. Part 1: Colin Leys is honorary professor of politics at Goldsmiths College London and editor of the 2010 Socialist Register. View part 2 on Youtube website … Watch video »

  • The Dictatorship of the Market

    Colin Leys is an honorary professor of politics at Goldsmiths College London, and former Professor of Politics at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada. He is co-editor of the current Socialist … Keep reading »