Category: Environment
When History Knocks
To raise the environmental crisis in Canada is to simultaneously highlight the notorious Alberta Tar Sands, the fastest growing polluter in Canada. But the Tar Sands are more than an environmental issue. This crisis-in-motion is inseparable from other fundamental issues at the core of Canadian society: indigenous land claims, Canada’s integration to the American empire and its oil-hungry military leviathan, a focus on resource extraction as a core of Canada’s economic development and a set of contested values about ‘the good life.’ Keep reading »
Bolivia to Host 2015 Meeting of Social Movements to Fight Climate Change
In wake of UN’s COP20 Failure, ALBA Summit Backs Proposal to Draft Alternative Plan Meeting in Havana December 14, the 13th summit of ALBA leaders endorsed a Bolivian proposal to host … Keep reading »
Book launch: A Line in the Tarsands
Toronto — 29 November 2014. Tar sands ‘development’ comes with an enormous environmental and human cost. But tar sands opponents – fighting a powerful international industry – are likened to … Watch video »
From the TarSands to ‘Green Jobs’? Work and Ecological Justice
From deforestation, toxic pollution, to greenhouse gas emissions, there is no doubt that tar sands development has been and will be an immensely destructive force, first for the communities who … Keep reading »
Ecosocialism: Why Greens Must be Red and Reds Must be Green
Ian Angus discusses the need to build a movement based on socialist and ecological principles to counter and supplant the destructiveness of capitalism. Ian Angus is editor of Climate and … Watch video »
Drawing a Line in the Tar Sands
Of all possible futures, the least likely is one in which business as usual continues unabated. Peoples’ movements will either succeed in transforming our economic and political systems to build … Keep reading »
Moving Forward After the People’s Climate March
The September 21 People’s Climate March in New York City was a huge success. Over 310,000 people consisting of hundreds of contingents of various origins and interests marched in New … Keep reading »
Climate Justice Resurfaces Amidst New York’s Corporate Sharks
The world’s largest ever march against climate change on Sunday (21 September) brought 400,000 people to the streets of New York, starting a lively parade at Central Park. On Tuesday, … Keep reading »
Climate Convergence Moves Us Forward, But Challenges Us to Create a Strategy
The Global Climate Convergence with its more than one hundred workshops, its large plenary sessions, and its miles-long mass march of more than 300,000 people, the largest climate protest in … Keep reading »
Beyond 2015: Is Another Development Possible?
As we near 2015, the United Nations (UN) will probably set new objectives on behalf of the global community to supersede the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs are held … Keep reading »
Ten Points for a Trade Union Strategy Against Climate Change
Since each of us gets only a few minutes for our contributions on such a large subject as climate change, I have chosen to put forward ten brief points for … Keep reading »
We Need System Change to Stop Climate Change
Viking I landed on Mars, the Ramones released their first album, the Soweto Uprising began in South Africa, North and South Vietnam reunified to become the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, … Keep reading »