The Fight Against Street Deaths in Toronto
The twin agendas of urban redevelopment and austerity have increased the scale of the homeless crisis in Toronto. Over 4,000 people cram into the emergency shelters every night and many … Keep reading »
Seizing the Opportunity to Fight Austerity
An Interview with Alexis Tsipras Alexis Tsipras is the leader of the Coalition of the Radical Left in Greece (Syriza), who recently was elected Prime Minister. This interview was conducted in … Keep reading »
The Monster of Soma Rears Its Head
The AKP government in Turkey and, in particular, its undisputed leader, Tayyip Erdogan, president of the republic since last August, are usually remembered by the international public for their brazen … Keep reading »
Ecological Economics and Changing Everything
This talk was delivered at a forum at Beit Zatoun, in Toronto on January 11, 2015, on Naomi Klein’s recent book, This Changes Everything (2014) [see video at LeftStreamed No. … Keep reading »
Rapid Transit Rip-Off
How Kathleen Wynne became a transit privateer, and what we need to do to get back on track Campaigning for re-election in April 2014, Liberal leader and Premier of Ontario … Keep reading »
68 Years of Struggle and Resistance for Peace, Justice and Freedom
When I was invited to speak at today’s forum, the attacks in Paris against the magazine Charlie Hebdo and the kosher super market had not taken place. In light of … Keep reading »
The Greek Election
As we enter the eighth year of the long-lingering global economic crisis, it is sobering indeed that it is only in Greece that a political party putting forward a clear, … Keep reading »
Why the Whole World is Watching Greece
The Coalition of the Radical Left, or Syriza, is favoured to win parliamentary elections on January 25, giving it a strong chance to form a new government that could confront … Keep reading »
The United States of America in the AfPak Region and Beyond
War on Terror or Alliance with Islamic Terrorism? It may sound rather odd in the face of the open war on terror that has been raging in Afghanistan and the Middle … Keep reading »
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie… de Gaulle!
In politics there is a golden rule: beware agreements that cut across all political currents! The tragedy of Charlie Hebdo has been turned into a farce by the mammoth march … Keep reading »
Breakthrough in Greece? Austerity and Solidarity
Greece will hold parliamentary elections on January 25 and Syriza, the left-wing party which has consistently called for debt restructuring and an end to austerity, is leading the polls. The … Keep reading »
When History Knocks
To raise the environmental crisis in Canada is to simultaneously highlight the notorious Alberta Tar Sands, the fastest growing polluter in Canada. But the Tar Sands are more than an environmental issue. This crisis-in-motion is inseparable from other fundamental issues at the core of Canadian society: indigenous land claims, Canada’s integration to the American empire and its oil-hungry military leviathan, a focus on resource extraction as a core of Canada’s economic development and a set of contested values about ‘the good life.’ Keep reading »