How Emissions Trading at Paris Climate Talks Has Set Us Up For Failure
The Paris Agreement has mostly been greeted with enthusiasm, though it contains at least one obvious flaw. Few seem to have noticed that the main tool mooted for keeping us … Keep reading »
Elections Theater
For the past eleven years, since the coup and overthrow of the elected government in 2004, Haiti has been deemed so dysfunctional, so failed, a state, that the international community … Keep reading »
The Roots of the Current Situation in Venezuela
The current economic, political, and social situation in Venezuela is very complicated, which makes it somewhat difficult for outsiders to make sense of. On the one hand there are many … Keep reading »
China Sucked Deeper Into World Financial Vortex and Vice Versa, as BRICS Sink Fast
On Monday November 30, the Chinese currency – the yuan – will join the dollar, euro, pound and yen as the world’s official reserve currencies, as recommended by the International … Keep reading »
Our Fight for Survival
The climate negotiations entered their final day, and we geared up for our most audacious action. Several buses brought four hundred activists to different locations near the conference hall. Adrenaline … Keep reading »
COP21 Fossil Fuel Addiction
A guide for intervention from the climate justice movement Author’s note: this article is meant to be both deadly serious and parody. It attempts humour and commits unforgiveable psychological reductionism of … Keep reading »
Socialist Wins in Seattle — Toronto Next?
The headline in ran: “Meet the Most Important Socialist in America Not Named Bernie Sanders.” It was about the impact of open Socialist, Kshama Sawant, who had just been … Keep reading »
The Tragedy of the Commons, the Pope, and the System
There’s an old argument that common property inevitably leads to exhaustion of resources. In the parable of “the tragedy of the commons,” the story is told that, given the absence … Keep reading »
China, the Remembrancer and the Continued Wasting of the British Economy
At first glance it seems an almost inexplicable paradox: probably the most right wing British government since 1945 inviting, against the advice of the security services, the military and the … Keep reading »
The Realism of Audacity
Rethinking Revolutionary Strategy Today In a certain way, I feel a certain unease since the entire Greek Left has some form of responsibility for the fact that Greece is not currently … Keep reading »
After Paris: Understanding not Revenge
1. At the basis of all concrete identities: “Muslim,” “Sunni,” “French citizen,” etc., lies a core human being, a capacity for self-making within the objective contexts of natural and social … Keep reading »
Arab Spring and Syrian Refugee Crisis: Ten Theses for Discussion
Our goal is to formulate ten theses on what we believe constitutes the historical background of the Syrian refugee crisis within the context of the Arab Spring. One central argument … Keep reading »