Against Liberal Nostalgia
“Restore our democracy” has become a mantra among American progressives. Populist writers are desperately trying to shake people from their passivity amidst mounting political and ecological crisis. But in crafting … Keep reading »
NUMSA Statement on its 10th National Congress
South Africa’s biggest trade union, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa, held its 10th National Congress from 12-15 December 2016 in Cape Town. This statement was written on … Keep reading »
Ideology, Anti-Colonialism and Marxism
Himani Bannerji interviewed by Mahdi Ganjavi Himani Bannerji is a professor in the Department of Sociology at York University, Toronto. Her research and writing life extends between Canada and India. Her … Keep reading »
Referendums and Social Movements in Italy and Europe
Matteo Renzi’s recent attempt to constitutionally embed neoliberalism and simultaneously legitimize and secure his tenure as Prime Minister via a referendum on proposed changes to Italy’s postwar constitution failed spectacularly … Keep reading »
South Korea’s Historic Candle Light Protests Bring Down President Park
On December 9, Parliament voted in favor of a presidential impeachment by 234 votes to 56, with 7 invalid votes and 2 abstentions. Over 30,000 protesters were present to celebrate … Keep reading »
Boycotting Apartheid
Ontario’s 50 Year Long Attack on the Campaign for Palestinian Rights On December 1st, 2016, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario officially condemned the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign to end … Keep reading »
Workers’ Climate Plan Four-Week Report
Iron & Earth Sometimes in this vast and complicated world, it’s easy to feel a bit lost and hopeless. It can be hard to see progress or positives in the face … Keep reading »
South Korean Protests Growing
For the sixth straight weekend, hundreds of thousands of Koreans came out in Seoul (and with other Korean cities estimates approaching 2 million people on the streets) to demand the … Keep reading »
Global Climate Justice Movements Refuse to Be Overshadowed by Election of Climate Change Denier to U.S. Presidency
We the undersigned organizations, networks, and movements gathered in Marrakech at COP22 issue the following collective statement in support of communities and movements around the world in response to Donald … Keep reading »
The Canada Infrastructure Bank: Theft by Deception
Both the Liberal government and its Advisory Council on Economic Growth are head-over-heels for the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB), announcing with fresh-faced enthusiasm that it will be an innovative route … Keep reading »
Turning It Around: Long-Term Organizing in the U.S.
Just about everybody is using the slogan “Don’t mourn, organize” – good solidarity with the martyr for the working class, Joe Hill. But it seems particularly apposite after the recent … Keep reading »
Solidarity With the People of Syria! Build the Antiwar Movement!
David Bush’s article “Syria and the Antiwar Tradition,” in the November 3 issue of The Bullet, is a commendable attempt to debate what antiwar activists in Canada and other “Western” … Keep reading »