The Great March of Return and Israel’s Attack on Gaza: Canadian Opposition
Six statements by Canadian organizations condemning Israel’s violent response in Gaza against the Palestinian march of Return. Keep reading »
Local Roads to Austerity: Neoliberal Urbanism in Canada
The ‘urban question’, as it came to be called in the 1970s, is now a central focus of academic study, state planning and political struggle alike. Keep reading »
Teachers Lead in the Revolt Against Austerity
The strikes aren’t just about pay. They’re a rejection of tax cuts for the wealthy and a rallying cry for public goods and services. Keep reading »
A New Politics? Movements, Power and Transformation
Book Review: Hilary Wainwright, A New Politics of the Left. Keep reading »
The May ’68 Events and Revolution in the West
Analysis of the May 1968 events in Europe and their significance for a revolutionary movement today. Keep reading »
The Family-Party-State Nexus in Nicaragua
In 1979 a popular uprising led by the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) overthrew the U.S.-backed Somoza-family dictatorship which had ruled Nicaragua since the 1930s, and in 1984 the Sandinistas … Keep reading »
Free and Accessible Transit Now
Toward A Red-Green Vision for Toronto Transit is a critical issue for many people in Toronto, as in all major urban areas. More is at stake than reducing traffic congestion and … Keep reading »
French Railworkers on Strike
The philosopher Étienne Balibar is one of the figures behind the solidarity fund in support of striking railworkers in France – a fund that now stands close to €1-million. Responding … Keep reading »
The Communist International: Its Relevance Today
Thirty-five years ago I undertook to translate and publish the record of the Communist International in Lenin’s lifetime, covering the preparatory years from 1907 to its foundation in 1919 and … Keep reading »
Where Are the Riots of Yesteryear? Remembering May 1968
This month marks the 50th anniversary of the wave of radical revolts and revolutionary uprisings that startled the world in 1968 and which – although ultimately crushed by the forces … Keep reading »
Italy: Requiem for the Second Republic
Analysis of the March 2018 election and the rise of the Second Republic in Italy by Steve Hellman. Keep reading »
Toyota Autoworkers Take on the Liberals
About a hundred autoworkers, led by workers from Toyota, and their supporters rallied in front of Queen’s Park in Toronto on April 22. They were protesting the Liberal government’s decision to allow an “exception” for the auto industry for personal emergency leave (PEL) days. Keep reading »