Category: Theory

  • Launch of the 2011 Socialist Register: The Crisis This Time

    Toronto — 20 January 2011. Listen to audio on Radio4All website Introduced and moderated by Leo Panitch, co-editor of the Socialist Register: Sam Gindin, is a former research director of … Watch video »

  • 21st Century Socialism: the Strategy of the Left and the Latin American Experience

    Thessaloniki, Greece — 13 December 2010. Michael Lebowitz and Marta Harnecker Marta Harnecker and Michael Lebowitz were invited by the N. Poulantzas Institute and Transform Magazine to present lectures on “21st … Watch video »

  • The Socialist Alternative: Real Human Development

    Vancouver — 17 October 2010. Prof. Michael Lebowitz discussing aspects of his book The Socialist Alternative: Real Human Development, at the Maritime Labour Center in Vancouver, British Columbia. Resources: Michael … Watch video »

  • How Labour is (Part of) the Problem in Building the Left

    Toronto, October 15, 2010. Lecture by: Professor Frances Fox Piven, CUNY Graduate Center. A leading scholar and political activist, Frances Fox Piven was recently president of the American Sociological Association … Watch video »

  • The Spectre of Barbarism and its Alternative

    The following two documents are presentations made or prepared for different purposes in Venezuela. The first (‘The Spectre of Barbarism and its Alternative: Eight Theses’) was presented at a conference … Keep reading »

  • Ideas for the Struggle

    What’s happening is a renovation of left-wing thought. The ideas of revolutions that we used to defend in the 1970s and 1980s, in practice, have not materialized. So, left-wing thought … Keep reading »

  • Capitalism, Race and Colonialism

    Moderated by Alan Sears. David Roediger teaches history and African American Studies at University of Illinois. His latest book is How Race Survived U.S. History. This was recorded at the … Watch video »

  • The Fire This Time: Burning Bridges

    Across Canada, activists have been reacting to the May 18 arson attack on a bank in Ottawa by a group claiming to be politically motivated. The group – calling itself … Keep reading »

  • In and Out of Crisis: Authors Meet Critics

    Toronto, May 16, 2010. Moderated by Anna Agathangelou. Part 1: the authors of In and out of Crisis: Greg Albo teaches political economy at York University, Toronto. Sam Gindin is … Watch video »

  • Marx and the Global South

    Toronto, May 15, 2010. Moderated by Shahrzad Mojab. Part 1: Vijay Prashad: George and Martha Kellner Chair in South Asian History and Professor of International Studies, Trinity College, Hartford. Prashad … Watch video »

  • Visioning Otherwise

    Toronto, April 18, 2010. This presentation and discussion address some of the lessons and limitations of historic and contemporary (Canadian and international) visions of a world without capitalism. The panel … Watch video »

  • Is Marx Back?

    Toronto – 19 February 2010. A public interview with Leo Panitch by Ian Morrison of the Platypus Affiliated Society. The economic crisis, as many commentators and critics are quick to … Watch video »