Category: Environment
Two Eco-Socialist Reports: The Struggle Over Old Growth Forests in B.C.
Fairy Creek: A New War in the Woods Since last August, activists have set up numerous blockades in protest of old growth logging in the Fairy Creek watershed. The self-named Rainforest … Keep reading »
Ecosocialist Alliance Statement on G7 Conference
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US (and the EU) have a great part of the immense wealth of the richest countries in the world in 2021. … Keep reading »
Everyday Life and the Ecological Crisis of Capitalism
When it was first published in German in 2017, Ulrich Brand’s and Markus Wissen’s book The Imperial Mode of Living attracted widespread attention and was discussed in mainstream media, while, … Keep reading »
When Women Become Allies to Save Watersheds and Wildlife
The word “Minnesota” derives from one of two Dakota words, either Mni Sóta meaning clear blue water or Mnissota meaning cloudy water. Just one letter can change the entire meaning. … Keep reading »
Green Economy, Green Capitalism? The Case Against The Case for Climate Capitalism
Even now, with a ten-year timeframe left for action, it’s rare for the climate crisis to be treated as the emergency it is. So, credit where due to Tom Rand. … Keep reading »
Greenwashing with Bolsonaro: Heineken and Carrefour privatize the Amazon
The history of alliances between big capital and fascism has many different chapters and they continue to be written, but there has rarely been an uglier or more despicable example … Keep reading »
The People’s Climate Commitment: The Glasgow Agreement
The purpose of the Glasgow Agreement is to reclaim the initiative from governments and international institutions and create an alternative tool for action and collaboration, for the climate justice movement. … Keep reading »
Climate Mobilization in View of the COP26
1. Disasters, of which extreme weather events linked to climate change are the main cause, have doubled in 20 years, killing more than 1.2 million people worldwide since 2000. Record … Keep reading »
Climate Justice Charter in South Africa
We need to build working class and popular power to confront the biggest challenge we face as a species. As democrats we are putting forward our demands, aspirations and alternatives to build a society that can mitigate and endure climate change. Watch video »
Three Major Threats to Life on Earth
Large parts of the world – outside of China and a few other countries – face a runaway virus, which has not been stopped because of criminal incompetence by governments. … Keep reading »
A Strategic Perspective for Uniting Ecosocialists in Québec
Newly formed ‘Révolution écosocialiste’ organization proposes a green, ecosocialist and democratic program for building a mass movement in the 21st century. Keep reading »
Freedom Instead of Selfishness: The Climate Movement After the Pandemic
What applies to the pandemic also applies to the climate: the crisis is already happening. Hence, immediate and consistent action is needed. Keep reading »