Category: Economy
Covid-19, Google, and the future of Toronto’s Waterfront
Waterfront Toronto is a tri-government agency with a mandate to re-develop the waterfront. In its search for a ‘funding and development’ partner it has been effectively captured by Google’s digital … Keep reading »
Here Comes Bourgeois Socialism – Again
What should we think of the recent praise of “the welfare state” and public services coming from different voices among the ruling classes in the world? Their conversion is as … Keep reading »
When Oil Markets Go Viral
The ecological dimensions of COVID-19 have become increasingly prominent in much recent discussion, with several important contributions exploring the pandemic in relation to capitalist agribusiness, widespread loss of biodiversity, and … Keep reading »
The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Exposing the Plague of Neoliberalism
In a time of crisis, capitalism reveals itself as a disimagination machine whose underlying message is that the market provides the only forms of agency left. Keep reading »
Coronavirus, Crisis, and the End of Neoliberalism
Suddenly, we find ourselves in a transformed world. Empty streets, closed shops, unusually clear skies, and climbing death tolls: something unprecedented is unfolding before our eyes. News about the economy … Keep reading »
Liberals’ COVID-19 Support Measures Reveal Crisis in Canada’s Low-Wage Job Market
Inequality and class disparity have been on full display in the devastating coronavirus outbreak. On the one hand, Canada’s dependence on the work of undervalued and underpaid healthcare workers, cleaners … Keep reading »
Global Capitalism, Global Pandemic, and the Struggle for Socialism
We are now in the grip of one of the worst economic crises in the history of modern capitalism. As the Coronavirus pandemic forces people to stay home and businesses … Keep reading »
Marx in the Era of Pandemic Capitalism
How could Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) help us interpret the current crisis? His theory of history offers critical resources to interpret the unprecedented crisis which is shaking the world today, while indicating at the same time that ‘the world after’ so much mentioned could only be anti-capitalist. Keep reading »
Throwing Sand into the Money Machine
German Pensions and the Financial Transaction Tax Throwing sand into the machinery of financial markets was the goal Attac Germany set itself when it was founded 20 years ago. A financial … Keep reading »
The Coronavirus and the Crisis This Time
“…so many of the out-of-the way things had happened lately, that Alice has begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible” — Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland. … Keep reading »
The Cost of This Pandemic Must Not Bankrupt the People
The global pandemic of COVID-19 has spread to almost every country on the planet earth. The virus will take many lives, disrupt communities and institutions, and leave behind trauma and … Keep reading »
Capitalism, Coronavirus and the Road to Extinction
The Godzilla-like image of the virus Covid-19 has been haunting the world. Not only has the virus unraveled nightmarish possibilities leading to the extinction of millions of people, but it … Keep reading »