Socialism for the 21st Century
Interview with Michael A. Lebowitz On Monday, May 6th, on the invitation of the Belgrade based Center for Politics of Emancipation (CPE), Michael A. Lebowitz gave a lecture titled “Contested reproduction … Keep reading »
All Signs Point to Deepening Opposition to the Fossil Fuel Industry Assault in British Columbia
The outcome of the May 14 election in British Columbia was a setback to progressive forces in the province and across Canada. The incumbent Liberal Party won a fourth straight … Keep reading »
Portugal’s Left Bloc Confronts Austerity
Interview with Francisco Louçã Francisco Louçã is an economics professor at Lisbon’s Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão. He is the author of numerous books and essays including “Ensaio para uma … Keep reading »
Slovenia: Manifesto of the Initiative for Democratic Socialism
The ideological dominance of capitalism as the only feasible mode of production is coming to an end. In the second half of the 1970s, when rapid and stable economic growth … Keep reading »
Austerity Agenda Targets the Disabled
The recent Ontario provincial budget did not do very much to uphold Kathleen Wynne‘s claim to the title of ‘Social Justice Premier.’ Most of those on social assistance received an … Keep reading »
Why are the Harper Conservatives So Pro-Israel?
The Canadian government has been a strong supporter of Israel since the country was founded in 1948 through the expulsion of most of the indigenous Palestinian population from their homes. … Keep reading »
Foundations for the Consolidation and Action of an Ecosocialist Network
The following is my translation of the founding statement of principles of the Quebec-based Réseau écosocialiste, the Ecosocialist Network. The text, as amended by the founding meeting of the network, … Keep reading »
Alienation: An Introduction to Marx’s Theory
Dan Swain is an activist and writer. He is currently working on a PhD in Marxism and Ethics at the University of Essex. His book Alienation: An Introduction to Marx’s … Keep reading »
Mali Under Occupation
France Parliament Votes to Extend Combat MissionWhile UN Security Council Readies a Policing Force France’s National Assembly and Senate have voted to extend the country’s military intervention in Mali. A resolution … Keep reading »
Declaration of the Social Movements Assembly
World Social Forum 2013, Tunisia As the Social Movements Assembly of the World Social Forum of Tunisia, 2013, we are gathered here to affirm the fundamental contribution of peoples of Maghreb-Mashrek … Keep reading »
The Manifesto of the Mediterranean Meeting in Tunisia
We, the representatives of progressive political parties from the Mediterranean region, gathered in Tunis from March 23 to 24, 2013, at the call of the Popular Front, and adopted the … Keep reading »
Building Strategically: An Introduction to Solidarity Halifax
How can the left fight back in the age of austerity? This is a clear and constant question being posed by and to people on the left. When the worldwide … Keep reading »