All Hands on Deck: The West Virginia Teachers’ Strike
Dignity and respect are the root cause of every serious labor struggle. This was certainly the case in West Virginia’s unprecedented nine-day statewide education strike. When the workers won this … Keep reading »
No Fare Is Fair: A Campaign for Free Public Transit in Toronto
Public transit should be a right for everyone in Toronto. Using subways, buses, and streetcars shouldn’t require paying fares, or user fees, that penalize riders with lower incomes. Keep reading »
Turkey’s Privatization of Sugar Factories
On February 21, a notice was released in Turkey’s Official Gazette stating that bids will be collected for Turkey’s state-owned fourteen sugar plants. According to Directorate of Privatization Administration’s (OIB) announcement, sugar plants will be privatized. The AKP government, which has looted and made benefits of public-enterprises available to both national and international capital, seeks new privatization opportunities. Keep reading »
Crisis of the State, Crisis of the Left: Articulating Socialism After the Anarchist Moment
The current period in the U.S. remains defined by the 2008 crisis and the economic policies and political forces it set in motion. This has now evolved into a growing crisis between the forms of governance, strategy, and administration that have defined the U.S.-led period of globalization and the state mechanisms of representation. Keep reading »
The Case for Free Public Transport
The Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) is a proud advocate of a world-class, fare-free public transport system for Scotland. Transport has undergone enormous changes in recent decades, both in Scotland and … Keep reading »
Why did the German SPD membership vote for the coalition?
The decision to join the government throws up big questions for the left and for the movements. Keep reading »
Ecological Crisis and Capitalist Accumulation in Contemporary Turkey
Zafer Ülger spoke with Arielle Concilio of Left Voice to discuss environmental issues in Turkey, their relation to capitalist accumulation, and the increasing violence against environmental activists in the country. Keep reading »
IWD: Looking Back and Looking Ahead
Looking back at the founding Women’s Liberation Movement conference on the 48th anniversary. And looking forward to what strategy and what principles must feminism stand for? Keep reading »
What Could a Left Presidency Look Like in Mexico?
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador could become Mexico’s first progressive president in generations, but what would such a presidency actually look like? It is not an easy question to answer, though his time as leader of Mexico’s largest city could offer some insights. Keep reading »
Focus on China: The East is Green?
Martin Empson examines the contradictions behind the green rhetoric of the Chinese government and its continued reliance on fossil fuels. Keep reading »
Gaza: Who or What Has a Right to Exist?
Gaza: An Inquest into its Martyrdom (Verso, 2018), is an extraordinary book. It is also a difficult book to read. In his preface, Norman Finkelstein writes that this work “has … Keep reading »
The Crisis of Social Democracy: From Norway to Europe
The crisis of social democracy is being debated throughout Europe. Several of the historically strong labour parties have almost been wiped out in elections while others seem unable to recover … Keep reading »