Tag: Trumpism
Erasing History, Erasing Democracy: Trump’s Authoritarian Assault on Education
Trump appears bent on ridding schools of dangerous practices like critical thinking and an unsanitized study of history. Keep reading »
Trump’s Threats, Canadian Challenges
Former Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau once said that the Canada-US relationship resembled a mouse sleeping with an elephant: “No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I … Keep reading »
Defending Society Against MAGA Tyranny: Social Self-Defense Has Begun
The resistance to the MAGA juggernaut has already begun at community, city, and state levels. The governors of Illinois and Colorado announced a new coalition called Governors Safeguarding Democracy, designed … Keep reading »
Trump and the Holding Environment
There are certainly a number of highly political and socioeconomic insights about the Trump catastrophe, and here I offer some psychoanalytic ideas about [US President-elect] Donald Trump and his hold … Keep reading »
On the Authoritarian Turn of Global Capital and its Contradictions in the USA
There’s a tendency within certain factions of the US left to regard the case of former US president Donald Trump as an ‘anomaly’. In dealing with other personifications of capital, … Keep reading »
Republican Theocracy or the End of Neoliberalism?
“QAnon Fears That Greene’s Obsession with Jewish Space Lasers Is Distracting Her from Battling Baby-Eating Cannibals”! In an emergency meeting of QAnon elders, the conspiracy theorists issued a communiqué warning … Keep reading »
After Trump, What Prospects for Biden in the Global Imperial Disorder?
Claudio Katz presciently analyzes shifts in the imperialist order, the mainstay of global capitalism, and weighs what the increasing social and political polarization within the United States portends for the … Keep reading »
US Election: What Could it Mean for Canada and the Canadian Left?
The US election is about much more than Trump, and it provides some food for thought for Canadian socialists. Keep reading »
How Can Socialists Help Stop Trump?
Eric Blanc interviews Leo Panitch about the upcoming presidential election in the US. Eric Blanc (EB): I would love to hear your take on the question of whether or not … Keep reading »
Escape from America? We’ll need international solidarity to fight emerging fascism
We’ve now reached the quadrennial moment on our shared Turtle Island when some Americans begin to proclaim, “If so-and-so is elected president, then I’m going to Canada.” In the past, … Keep reading »
Strange Bedfellows: Trump’s Political Base
“Earlier in his career the world had watched him with amusement, that people refused to take him seriously, and as one action after another met with amazing success, this amusement … Keep reading »
Will Escaping Americans Test Canada’s Capacity for Sympathy?
When Donald Trump was elected in 2016, I started hearing from American friends that they were thinking of migrating to Canada. Sensing that most of them didn’t really mean it, … Keep reading »