Deconstructing Boats on the Eve of Glasgow COP26
The images that first come to mind about “boat people” are of families in rickety little vessels fleeing from Vietnam in the last days of that war, and now the … Keep reading »
The US Has an Unhealthy Obsession With Cuba
The piggy bank was rattled again. In September 2021, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) gave $6,669,000 in grants for projects aimed at “regime change” in Cuba, a … Keep reading »
Toronto School Board Stifles Criticism of Israel
What’s going on with the Toronto District School Board (TDSB)?! It looks like it’s teamed up with the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) to outline what … Keep reading »
Food Sovereignty for Climate Justice Now: Declaration Toward UN Climate COP26
It’s the most chaotic climate year on record, since last year, and corporate-controlled governments, transnationals, philanthropists, mainstream media and most non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are offering more of the same: market-based … Keep reading »
Canada’s Eviscerated Democracy: Minority Government and Representative Democracy as Symptoms
On 20 September, 2021, Canadians voted to hold the line. While forty seats changed hands, the number of seats won by each of the parties was so close to the … Keep reading »
‘No way back’ to Military Dictatorship Declare Sudanese Activists
The coup launched by Sudanese military leaders on the morning of 25 October is being resisted by mass protests amid calls for total civil disobedience and a political general strike. … Keep reading »
Long-Term Care: Ontario Must Reinstate Annual Comprehensive Inspections
It has been a year-and-a-half since CBC exposed that the Doug Ford government cancelled the annual surprise inspections of long-term care homes after it took office in 2018 and 17 … Keep reading »
Deconstructing Electric Vehicles on the Eve of Glasgow COP26
A lead human-interest story in the weekend Wheels section of a major Canadian newspaper describes a 2-car family’s transitioning from a hybrid to an EV as they “try to be … Keep reading »
COP26: Trade Unions Must Fight for a Socialist Transition to Renewables
The UK government is hosting the 26th United Nations Climate Change “Conference of the Parties” (COP26) in Glasgow from 31 October to 12 November 2021. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate … Keep reading »
Fossil Fuel and Meat Producing Countries Lobbying Against Climate Action
Leaked documents show how Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Japan, Saudi Arabia and OPEC have pressed to water down a key UN scientific report. Keep reading »
Ecosocialism Not Extinction!
COP 26 unfolds against a backdrop of growing climate chaos and ecological degradation, after an unprecedented summer of heatwaves, wildfires, and flooding events. Climate change is upon us, and we … Keep reading »
Record Numbers of Workers Are Quitting and Striking
Taken together with a sharp increase in union strikes, the mass resignations of individuals indicate a deep worker dissatisfaction across the nation. Keep reading »