Author: Sam Gindin

Sam Gindin was research director of the Canadian Auto Workers from 1974–2000. He is co-author (with Leo Panitch) of The Making of Global Capitalism (Verso), and co-author with Leo Panitch and Steve Maher of The Socialist Challenge Today, the expanded and updated American edition (Haymarket).

  • The Power of Deep Organizing

    The profound defeat of the U.S. labour movement over the past three to four decades is usually measured by the loss of things that workers once took for granted like … Keep reading »

  • Misreading the Historical Moment

    A Response to Murnighan’s “Unifor and Big Three Bargaining” Deep economic crises, as opposed to the regular ups and downs of capitalism, have played a special role in the history of … Keep reading »

  • Big Three Bargaining: Different Ways of Making History

    Different Ways of Making History Canadian autoworkers have long been pace setters in the Canadian labour movement and as soon as its most recent agreement with General Motors was ratified, Unifor … Keep reading »

  • End 2-Tier.

    Bargaining Over Corporate Investment: Innovation or Trap?

    Ever since the sit-down strikes of the 1930s, the cycle of ‘Big Three’ auto bargaining has been a major economic and political event, an indicator of the progress of the … Keep reading »

  • Work Overload: Time for a Union Strategy

    Talk to workers in any sector, in any workplace and sooner or later they’ll get to their frustrations with their ever-increasing workloads: ‘I’m struggling’, they’ll lament to fellow workers or … Keep reading »

  • Global Issues: Bringing Class Back In

    The new trade unionism of the 1930s brought dramatic new tactics such as the sit-downs, new strategies that included industry-wide bargaining, and spread new forms of in-plant democracy based on … Keep reading »

  • The Real Plan B: The New Greek Marathon

    In the face of being excluded from desperately needed funds and the threat of being kicked out of the European Union, the Greek parliament has now voted to accept the … Keep reading »

  • Treating Syriza Responsibly

    As against those on the international left so keen to put the boot in against the Syriza government with the charge that they had abjectly capitulated already with the plan … Keep reading »

  • Record Profits, Record Stock Buybacks: Another Looming Crisis?

    Has the economy recovered or is it about to sink into another crisis? Do the shenanigans in finance that we regularly read about play a role in developing a stronger … Keep reading »

  • This Changes Everything

    Toronto — 11 January 2015. Capitalism vs the Climate The Lima Conference should have been a milestone that marked out how governments will take urgent action to tackle climate change and … Watch video »

  • When History Knocks

    To raise the environmental crisis in Canada is to simultaneously highlight the notorious Alberta Tar Sands, the fastest growing polluter in Canada. But the Tar Sands are more than an environmental issue. This crisis-in-motion is inseparable from other fundamental issues at the core of Canadian society: indigenous land claims, Canada’s integration to the American empire and its oil-hungry military leviathan, a focus on resource extraction as a core of Canada’s economic development and a set of contested values about ‘the good life.’ Keep reading »

  • Working Class Politics After the NDP

    Introduction: Crisis in Labour Politics The issue that we can’t ignore this Labour Day is the disorientation in our movement’s politics. List the issues working people are most concerned about today … Keep reading »