South Korea’s 300 Day Aerial Sit-in Strike Highlights Plight of Precarious Workers
| November 10, 2011
in Korea and the Philippines November 1 marked the passage of day 300 of the aerial sit-in strike being waged by Kim Jin-suk. The former employee of Hanjin and current Direction … Keep reading »
Corporations Occupy Fair Trade
| November 7, 2011
Over the past few weeks the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement has shone the spotlight on corporate power and social inequality, and calls have begun to emerge from within the … Keep reading »
The Arab Revolts Against Neoliberalism
Completely unexpected, 2011 has emerged as a year of revolt against neoliberalism and austerity, from Tahrir Square in Cairo to Plaça de Catalunya of the indignados to Zuccotti Park of … Keep reading »
Organized Labour and the Occupations Movement
| November 3, 2011
The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) phenomenon has achieved a stature and longevity unrivaled by recent demonstrations in the United States, and has understandably struck a chord with a wide range … Keep reading »
Saskatchewan Election 2011: the Looming Debacle
| October 31, 2011
A reporter covering Tory Prime Minister Kim Campbell‘s campaign during the 1993 election likened it to watching a dog die slowly. Campbell replaced Brian Mulroney after his public support collapsed … Keep reading »
Afghanistan: Ten Years of War and Resistance
| October 30, 2011
Toronto — 14 October 2011. Opening meeting of the Canadian Peace Alliance convention. Featuring: Judith Leblanc: Leading U.S. anti-war activist; field director of Peace Action, the largest grassroots anti-war network … Watch video »
Canadian Government Announces Multi-Billion Dollar Warship Building Program
| October 26, 2011
The champagne corks were popping in Halifax and Vancouver on October 19 when the Canadian government announced that two shipyards there have been chosen to build a new, multi-billion dollar … Keep reading »
Greece on the Brink of Emergency: A Matter of Days
| October 23, 2011
In Greece a number of factors stand out, suggesting that Greece is on the verge of some major changes. The disruption of basic operations of the state in conjunction with … Keep reading »
Occupy Actions: From Wall Street to a Campus Near You?
| October 21, 2011
The Occupy Wall Street movement and the mobilizations of the ‘indignant’ in Europe have sparked solidarity actions in many places around the world. October 15, 2011 was a massive day … Keep reading »
A ‘Palestinian Spring’? Not Yet
| October 20, 2011
The ‘Palestinian Spring’ is the only one of the ‘Arab Springs’ to be announced from the General Assembly platform of the UN. “At a time when,” Mahmoud Abbas declared in … Keep reading »
Occupy Wall Street, the Trade Union Movement and the Fight to Stop the Cuts and Concessions
| October 19, 2011
Tens of thousands – if not hundreds of thousands – of people have taken to the streets over the past four weeks across the United States as part of an … Keep reading »
Occupy Wall Street not Palestine!
| October 17, 2011
We are part of the world’s 99% yearning for freedom, justice and equal rights! If a people one day wills to live fate must answer its call And the night … Keep reading »
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