May 30: Stop Privatization of Our Healthcare

The Fightback is On – Either we save our public medicare now, or we are going to lose it. On May 30, join Ontario Health Coalition’s protest and march to … Watch video »

The Fightback is On – Either we save our public medicare now, or we are going to lose it.

On May 30, join Ontario Health Coalition’s protest and march to save our public healthcare. Send a message to the Ford government and Ontario’s Legislature that cannot be ignored.

More information about the campaign at

Stop the Privatization of Our Public Healthcare

Instead of expanding services in our public hospitals, the Ford government is giving hundreds of millions in public dollars to for-profit corporations to privatize healthcare. As he announced his plan to privatize, Mr. Ford promised we would never have to pay for care with our credit card, only our OHIP card. But his government is letting private clinics get away with charging Ontarians for healthcare, which is illegal under our Protection of Public Medicare laws.

Same video in portrait short (best for smartphone).