Beyond Digital Capitalism: SR21 Launch and Tribute to Leo Panitch (3 May 1945 – 19 December 2020)
| December 19, 2021
The North American launch of Socialist Register 21: Beyond Digital Capitalism, with presentations by Greg Albo, Sam Gindin, Bryan Palmer, Joan Sangster, Stephen Maher, Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Tanner Mirrlees, and Derek Hrynyshyn, and short tributes to the life and work of Leo Panitch (1945-2020). Watch video »
Whales versus Militarism: Saving or Destroying the World’s Climate?
| December 17, 2021
The US military is famous for being the single largest consumer of petroleum products in the world and the largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Its carbon emissions exceed those released … Keep reading »
Brazil: The End of Bolsa Familia, Lula’s New Alliance, and Sergio Moro’s bid for the Presidency
| December 16, 2021
At the end of October 2021, the Bolsa Familia social program made payments to Brazilians for the last time since being instituted during the first term of President Lula da … Keep reading »
‘A Radical Turning Point’? Democracy in Honduras
| December 15, 2021
Twelve years after the coup against Manuel Zelaya, the Honduran people are regaining hope. With her overwhelming victory in the November 28 general elections, Xiomara Castro, Zelaya’s wife and the … Keep reading »
High School Students Walk Out: Saying Yes to Palestine Solidarity and No to TDSB
| December 14, 2021
Let’s give credit to the roughly 200 brave students who walked out of Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute last month. They were protesting how the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) has … Keep reading »
Why Poorer Nations Aren’t Falling for Green-Washed Imperialism
| December 13, 2021
The world’s wealthiest countries make a big show of fighting climate change without offering poorer countries the finances to switch to renewable energy. Keep reading »
Voluntourism and Canadian Imperialism /w Shreya Ghimire
| December 12, 2021
We are joined by Shreya Ghimire to discuss the colonial foundations of the “Voluntourism” and it’s intersections with Canada’s imperialist foreign policy. Listen to audio »
The Ecosocialist Imperative
| December 10, 2021
Thirty years ago, climate modeling scientists predicted exactly the global events – massive wildfires, intensified tropical storms, flooding and droughts – that we’re seeing right now. The only mistake was … Keep reading »
Striking Down Farm Workers – It Is the Law’s Way
| December 9, 2021
These days we hear and read a lot about essential workers. It is not always clear whether workers ought to be characterized as essential ones, but there can be little … Keep reading »
Neoliberalism’s Toll: Impacts on India’s Peasants and Workers
| December 8, 2021
This article deals with the impact of the neoliberal policies pursued since 1991, on the working people of India, and in particular on poor peasants and wage labourers. It is … Keep reading »
Ford Government’s Response on Long-Term Care is a Travesty
| December 7, 2021
The so-called “new” long-term care legislation introduced by the Ford government is scheduled for third and final reading in the legislature today and it will be passed by the Conservative … Keep reading »
Why Amazon Is Terrified of Its US Workers Unionizing
| December 6, 2021
With a second union vote at its Alabama warehouse coming at a time of rising worker disaffection, Amazon is clearly worried that American workers will go the way of Europe: toward collective bargaining for their labor rights. Keep reading »
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