TRANSITogether: Building A Movement

Toronto — 1 March 2015. The election of John Tory creates new openings and challenges for the public transit movement in Toronto, as does the large vote for Ford in … Watch video »

Toronto — 1 March 2015.

The election of John Tory creates new openings and challenges for the public transit movement in Toronto, as does the large vote for Ford in the city’s inner suburban areas. How are we to understand this moment, and how do we move forward as a transit movement? These are some of the questions posed at this forum.

Moderated by Herman Rosenfeld. Presentations by:

  • Kamilla, Free and Accessible Transit Campaign of the Greater Toronto Workers’ Assembly (GTWA)
  • Brenda Thompson,
  • Milan Gokhale is an activist with TTCriders and Scarborough Transit Action