Book Launch: Canada in the World: Settler Capitalism and the Colonial Imagination, by Tyler Shipley
Join us on Thursday September 17th for the launch of Canada in the World: Settler Capitalism and the Colonial Imagination (Fernwood Books, 2020), with author Tyler Shipley, as well as Sara Jaffri, Cassandra Kislenko and Veldon Coburn. Join the event on Zoom at 6:50pm Thursday September 17th, and get your Eventbrite ticket to access it … Keep reading »
Pension fund capitalism and the campaign to “Make Revera Public”
We welcome you to join us for Pension fund capitalism and the campaign to “Make Revera Public,” a public talk by Kevin Skerrett, co-editor of The Contradictions of Pension Fund Capitalism (Cornell University Press, 2018), Senior Research Officer assigned to pensions for CUPE, and a visiting professor at Carleton University’s Institute of Political Economy. The … Keep reading »
Book Launch: The Diary of Dukesang Wong: A Voice from Gold Mountain
Join us on Tuesday November 10th for the launch of The Diary of Dukesang Wong: A Voice From Gold Mountain (Talon Books, 2020), with editor and author David McIlwraith, as well as Judy Fong Bates and other guests. The Diary of Dukesang Wong: A Voice From Gold Mountain is the only known first-person account from a … Keep reading »
Anti-Black Racism and Inequality: What Is to Be Done?
Prominent African-American public intellectual Adolph Reed, Jr. is professor emeritus of political science at the University of Pennsylvania, specializing in inequality, race, and racism. He is a contributing editor to The New Republic and frequent contributor to The Village Voice, The Nation, Jacobin, and The Progressive.
Pension Fund Capitalism and the Covid-19 Pandemic in Canada: A Socialist Perspective
How did Long-Term Care – a vital component of the healthcare system – become so privatized, within a system that is so widely and proudly viewed as public? This talk will examine the class politics of pension fund investment into for-profit Long-Term Care as a disturbing example of the commodification of social reproduction.
UK Launch of The Socialist Register 2021: Beyond Digital Capitalism
The UK launch of The Socialist Register 2021 with Grace Blakeley, Leo Panitch, Ursula Huws, John McDonnell and many more.
A Tribute to Leo Panitch, 1945-2020
Progressives lost one of our leading lights last month. Leo Panitch died December 19 in a Toronto hospital where he was being treated for cancer. His prognosis was good, however he contacted Covid-19 and died in a few days from a fulminating pneumonia. He is sorely missed on both sides of the Atlantic. A man … Keep reading »
Socialist Register 21: Beyond Digital Capitalism
Join us on Wednesday February 10th for the launch of Socialist Register 21: Beyond Digital Capitalism (Merlin Press, 2020), with presentations by Greg Albo, Sam Gindin, Bryan Palmer, Joan Sangster, Stephen Maher, Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Tanner Mirrlees, and Derek Hrynyshyn.
Remembering Leo Panitch
Leo Panitch was a Distinguished Research Professor of Political Science at York University, a renowned political economist, Marxist theorist and editor of the Socialist Register since 1985.
Socialists on Social Media Platforms and Imagine Platform Socialism
Bertolt Brecht, in the 1932 essay ‘The Radio as an Apparatus of Communication’, made a ‘positive suggestion’ to transform radio into a dialogical medium for many-to-many communications. ‘Radio is one-sided when it should be two’ said Brecht. Brecht saw the state as the only entity capable of remaking radio in this way, but because radio’s ‘proper application’ might make it a ‘revolutionary’ medium, Brecht concluded the bourgeois state would have ‘no interest in sponsoring such exercises’. Presentations by Tanner Mirrlees and Derek Hrynyshyn.