Author: William K. Carroll

Bill Carroll established the Interdisciplinary Program in Social Justice Studies at the University of Victoria in 2008 and served as its director from 2008 to 2012. His writings can be found at

  • In Step With Other Dignified Feet

    “In Step With Other Dignified Feet” was composed in September, 2022. I wrote the music and first verse, which is performed in a singer-songwriter style. The rest of the song, … Watch video »

  • After the Storm

    An eco-political music-video in memory of William Morris, song composed in February 2023, audio and visuals produced in March 2023. After the Storm After the storm there’ll be peace and quiet … Watch video »

  • From Fossil Capitalism to Energy Democracy?

    The struggle for hegemony in an era of climate crisis As the 21st Century’s second decade opens, the increasingly severe symptoms of climate change comprise a pivot in the struggle … Keep reading »

  • Socialism Historically and Today

    Socialist Studies 50th Anniversary Plenary Toronto – 1 June 2017 This year, the Society for Socialist Studies (SSS) turns fifty, and celebrated its anniversary at its annual conference at Congress 2017, … Watch video »

  • 400ppm

    William Carroll, Department of Sociology, University of Victoria — May 2015. Lyrics The oceans keep rising and the weather’s getting more extreme Africa is sizzling and the polar caps are … Watch video »

  • Do We Pull the Monster Down?

    William Carroll, Department of Sociology, University of Victoria ( — September 19, 2010. Lyrics Everybody’s making plans to move to higher ground There’s panic in the marketplace yet no one … Watch video »

  • So Said Tony Hayward

    A music video featuring imagery dredged from the internet, based on a song I wrote in July 2010. It’s a tango about the BP oil spill and its disastrous impacts on the environment. Watch video »