Archives: Popular Struggles
I Hate New Year’s Day
Every morning, when I wake again under the pall of the sky, I feel that for me it is New Year’s day.
Socialism and Ecological Survival: An Introduction
Capitalism has brought the world to the edge of the abyss. We are rapidly approaching a planetary tipping point.
Canadian military aid to Ukraine in 2022
As of mid-May 2022, the value of all committed transfers was in excess of $150-million.
Working Class Hero – mashup
Performances by John Lennon, Marianne Faithfull, and Green Day.
The tragedy of the Ukrainian working class
The national question, so central to the concerns of revolutionaries operating on the very same territory over a hundred years ago, plays a key role in this war.
NATO marches on canapes
Napoleon’s army marched on their stomachs.
Armagideon Time – mashup
The Clash’s version of “Armagideon Time.” Peace, still relevant, today.
No one can win this war
A negotiated, just peace guaranteed by EU-US-Russia is the only sane strategy.
The Left Has a Long, Proud Tradition of Opposing War
The First International is an excellent resource for understanding the origins of war under capitalism and helping leftists maintain our clear opposition to it.
IJV Canada Statement on Ukraine
IJV joins with millions of people around the world in calling for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Putin’s Invasion: Imperialism after the epoch of Lenin and Wilson
The implications of US and Russian wars of aggression since the end of the Cold War, and their meaning for the rights of nations to self-determination.
The anti-war left should not be cowed
Progressives should keep their distance from both Putin and Nato – the cynics who want to shut down debate are mired in decades of failed policies.