Archives: Popular Struggles
Orange is the New Red
Canada Day 2021.
Pfuck Pfizer
Pfizer is holding up its jab as it demands tax breaks from Ottawa.
Remembering Mary-Jo Nadeau
Faculty for Palestine expresses deep sorrow as we grieve the loss of the beautiful, brilliant Mary-Jo Nadeau, activist, scholar, friend, and co-founder of F4P.
A Tribute to Leo Panitch (1945–2020)
The editorial collective of the Socialist Register and its publishers are in shock and deep mourning at the sudden passing of Leo Panitch, the long-standing co-editor of the Register, on December 19 in Toronto.
Thirteen Theses of Marxism-Feminism
This foundation for Marxist feminist thinking and action, formulated by Frigga Haug, is the outcome of a collective process organized around the Marx-Fem-Conferences.
Hommage à Leo Panitch
Notre ami et camarade Leo est décédé à Toronto le 19 décembre. Son décès aurait été causé par le COVID alors qu’il était hospitalisé pour une autre maladie.
Beloved teacher and public thinker Leo Panitch has died of COVID-19
Professor Leo Panitch was an equal-parts brilliant and generous public thinker who worked toward the betterment of humanity, his friends and colleagues say.
RIP Leo Panitch (1945 – 2020)
Links to essays and videos on this site.
Trump takes another test drive
Freedom Rider: The Police Defunding Con Game
Cutting police budgets without establishing public control over their behavior doesn’t solve the problem.
What’s In A Name?
OFL and CBTU call for defunding of the police
Fundamental and disruptive change is required – defund the police.