Archives: Popular Struggles
Jane McAlevey Working Class Hero
To celebrate her work and life, we republish our series of interviews with Jane.
Canada out of NATO
On the eve of NATO’s 75-year anniversary celebration — an internationalist perspective on Canadian foreign policy.
Remembering Jane McAlevey (1964–2024)
The ground-breaking labour organizer and internationalist leaves behind a powerful legacy.
Only an anti-fascist front can save us from the abyss
Israeli society will emerge from this war more violent and nationalist than ever.
Jane McAlevey (1964 – 2024)
We’re in a Class War. Jane McAlevey Actually Acted Like It.
Court rejects Kagarlitsky’s appeal
Campaign pledges to redouble efforts for his freedom.
May Day: Workers’ Struggles, International Solidarity, Political Aspirations
For more than 100 years, May Day has symbolized the common struggles of workers around the globe.
Left Leaders, Intellectuals Demand: Free Boris Kagarlitsky
And all anti-war political prisoners in Russia.
IWD: What is Canadian Feminism?
Demanding Equality argues that Canadian feminism was polyphonic; it was a chorus of diverse political voices rather than solos sung by a few women leaders.
Israeli Apartheid Week
March 1st to 31st, 2024
IWD 2024
No One Is Free, Until We’re All Free! Meet at OISE, 11am, Feb 2nd, Toronto.
How NATO Undermined a Peace Agreement in Ukraine
Ukrainians are beginning to understand that the ongoing destruction of their country was not necessary.