Archives: Popular Struggles
Cut Relations With Israeli Settler Movement
New report urges Canada to cut Diplomatic Relations and Financial Support for the High-Level Israeli Officials and Organizations.
War and Annexation
How the Israeli government changed the West Bank during the first year of war.
In order to have clean energy, we need good energy
Iqaluit summit highlights youth leadership and Indigenous family values in climate action and energy transformation in the North.
Rashid Khalidi, America’s foremost scholar of Palestine, is retiring
As the Columbia University professor steps down, he addresses student protests and how ‘higher education has developed into a hedge fund’.
Tell CPP to stop supporting war crimes and genocide
CPP has invested $16-bln in war-crime complicit companies.
No Propaganda On Earth Can Hide The Wound That Is Palestine
Writer and activist Arundhati Roy has been awarded the PEN Pinter Prize 2024.
Ford Nation’s war on cyclists
Doug Ford’s government has legislation ready when the house returns that will severely limit new biking infrastructure across Ontario.
New International Economic Order
On its 50th anniversary, the NIEO thus merits revival, but also requires renovation.
The high price of protesting for Palestine
How to understand the crackdown on the Palestine solidarity movement in Canada.
Nearly all BRICS+ Regimes Nurture Israel, Economically
The Biden-Harris genocide-facilitation team is celebrating the latest atrocities from Gaza to the West Bank to Lebanon.
Seniors’ Day of Climate Action
With David Suzuki, Lillian Allen and more…
The Militarisation of Scandinavia
How a region of peace became an American frontline.