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FilmSocial: Poverty and the Welfare State, Then and Now

Ken Loach’s award winning newest film I, Daniel Blake (2016), brilliantly exposes the discipline, humiliation and frustration which people who rely on welfare benefits are subjected to in contemporary Britain. To coincide with its Toronto release, we are showing Cathy Come Home (1966), Loach’s first great film on this subject, made exactly 50 years earlier. Cathy Come Home is the … Keep reading »

Art vs Alt: How We Challenge the Right

Steelworkers Hall 25 Cecil, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Art vs Alt is a day of conversations and a platform for presentations of work by concerned artists, a day to come together to work out how to collectively confront the dramatic rise of the right. The conference is open to anyone interested in the culture and politics of the left. Discussions and plenaries on … Keep reading »

The Capitalism Workshop: Rethinking Contemporary Anti-Capitalism

Uneven and combined development remains crucial for understanding the continued widening and deepening of capitalism. However, the nature of the heterogeneous and uneven development of contemporary capitalism, especially since the 1970s, makes problematic the characterization of capitalist totality, as a coherent stage and as a singular, albeit uneven, combination. This complicates the successful pursuit of … Keep reading »

Social / Website Launch

Dooney's 866 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON, Canada

Social / Website Launch on Saturday February 3rd, 7pm at Dooney's.

9 to 5: an International Women’s Day Celebration

Eyesore Cinema 1176 Bloor Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Grab a seat and pour yourself a cup of ambition for our special International Women's Day screening of 9 to 5! Join Dolly Parton, Jane Fonda, and Lilly Tomlin in making boss-napping great again in this comedy classic about women office workers at the dawn of the '80s. The themes of sexism and work taken up … Keep reading »


Book Launch: The Contradictions of Pension Fund Capitalism

Steelworkers Hall 25 Cecil, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Kevin Skerrett (Research Officer for the Canadian Union of Public Employees) and Chris Roberts (National Director of Social and Economic Policy for the Canadian Labour of Congress) discuss the significance of their edited book, The Contradictions of Pension Fund Capitalism (Cornell University Press, 2018). Heather Whiteside and Janice Folk-Dawson speak to the issues the book raises … Keep reading »