FilmSocial presents: Brazil
Wednesday, April 30 / 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm EDT
The Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education is very pleased to present BRAZIL as the latest installment in the ongoing FilmSocial series.
Written and directed by Terry Gilliam, the movie is set in a dystopian world where the main character, Sam Lowry, starts to wake up to the reality of his techno-bureaucratic society when he notices a mistake that leads to the death of an innocent person.
Inspired by George Orwell’s 1984, the film takes a satirical approach to its major themes of state surveillance, bureaucracy, and corporatism. The movie was criticizing the increase in state surveillance in England as well as the state bureaucracy of the USSR in the 1980s. However, Brazil holds its relevance as the world faces overwhelming corporate power, continued capitalist influence on government policy, and nearly inescapable digital surveillance.
The evening will feature a short presentation and general discussion on the politics and implications of the film’s subject today.
When: April 30 – Doors: 6:45pm
Where: Eyesore Cinema, Toronto, ON